October 7, 2010

Another BOY!!!!

We are so excited to announce that we have been blessed with another BOY!!!

During the ultrasound I noticed it and said "look, it's a boy"...and the Doctor said, "wow, there is no questioning that"!

I thought it was a boy and was secretly hoping for a boy. Scott really thought it would be a girl. We made a bet and now he owes me dinner.

We are both so excited that Sawyer will have a little brother close in age. And I'm secretly hoping he will be just like him. Curly hair, fat thighs and all!!!


  1. Congrats, Erin. Boys are so fun!

  2. congratulations, that's awesome!! sawyer is so cute - you need another just like him!!

  3. Congrats! Deklan will be excited for the little guy to make his big debut as well. I didn't realize you had changed your website and was going to tell you to post some pics of your fam. Boy was I totally out of the loop. It was fun to catch up on your blog.

  4. Oh my gosh I am so excited for you!!! Another boy will be great. I am secretly hoping for another boy too. Are you due end of feb? I wish you the best!

  5. Congrats to you and your family!! Exciting news!!!

  6. Congratulations! I wouldn't mind a repeat of those cute curls either.

  7. you're kids are so dang cute......boy/girl, it doesn't matter, they're darling. congrats!

  8. I'm so excited for you to have another little guy! I bet kate will appreciate being the only girl for a little while longer.

    And by the way, I had no idea that you'd changed your blog, so I hadn't checked the URL for about 8 months! Now I can get constant updates again...
