October 23, 2010

First Halloween Party of the Year!

Dylan and Kate got to attend the Community Center's Halloween Party this year. They were so excited to pull out their costumes early.

I over did it a little with Kate this year...but hey, she might be my only girl and  I only let her wear make-up for Halloween...so don't judge;). Dylan must have been trying to look TUFF because I couldn't get him to smile. I think he is a little self-conscious because he is missing so many teeth.

I could eat them up, they are so yummy. Kate is only 4 years old for a few more weeks. I'm not ready for my little girl to be 5. That is TOO OLD.


  1. could your kids be any cuter? I DON'T THINK SO! it's not possible, they are darling and beyond.

  2. love the costumes and ur daughters make-up looks great!!!

  3. totally love 'em! definite heart breakers in a few years!!

  4. Just want you to know someone has stolen this pic and put it on fb. Her name is Mya Tippit. She is claim this is her child w/ a friend. Just a heads up I would not want someone stealing my childrens pictures. IF you would like more info on how i know this please email me at medinams24@yahoo.com
