November 20, 2011

Sunday Thoughts: Finding Christ In Christmas!!!

I have been thinking a lot about what it is to truly Celebrate Christmas.
I know that sometimes it is hard for me to concentrate on what really matters.
Sometimes I am too focused on buying gifts, wrapping them, or attending parties.

This year I want to make an effort to find CHRIST in Christmas.

I have asked several women from
different Christian Faiths
to help me help others
find Christ in Christmas.

So far we have some amazing guest bloggers participating.

Jocelyn @ We Talk Of Christ
Sara @ August Fields
Casey @ Casey Wiegand

If you feel that you would like to participate please email me at


I'm looking for participants that would be willing to share ways that they find Christ in Christmas.
It could be through scripture, stories, traditions, pictures, art, music or more.

I can't wait to hear from you!!!


  1. what a great idea! i can't wait for the guest posts!

  2. This will be so wonderful to read! And if you need more participants, I'd love to join in.
