December 13, 2011

A No List Christmas Wish by Krista Smith

This post is written by Krista Smith who blogs over at{Saturated Canary}

Christmas makes me feel very much like a kid again.  My mom and dad always made it so special for the four of us kids.  We had so many fun traditions…little things that added up to make a truly wonderful, exciting month.  We lived right next to a Christmas tree farm, so cutting our own tree down was a blast. Some years my dad was working, and my mom and us kids would go over and choose one ourselves.  Always too big to fit into our little house.  It would pop all the ceiling tiles out…pine needles would be through the whole place…and we ended up drenched in sweat and sap trying to get the tree to stand upright in the tree stand.  Still, I love those memories…all the family pieces that still make my heart skip a beat when December rolls around.

I grew up in a Christian home, so our Christmas holidays were always centered around Jesus' birth.  We still did the whole Santa thing…and I still do for my children (who are both avid Santa believers:), but the Reason we celebrate is forefront in our hearts and minds.  

I understand that some families choose not to include the Santa aspect in their Christmas celebrations.  I totally respect that.  For my husband and myself, we love the building excitement through the month, the cookies set out on Christmas Eve, and little notes the kids write to Santa…I save them all.  (I can't pull them out without getting all sappy:).  I follow my parents example in how to include the holiday festivities without loosing focus on Christ.  There were never any Christmas lists.  No handing Santa a ranked toy wish-list for him to check off on Christmas morning.  We were only allowed to ask for one thing.

My kids know they can choose one thing each year.  There is never an argument or question.  They don't even blink an eye when other kiddies talk about their lists.  For them, it has always been one thing.  They know it cannot be very, very expensive (because that gives Santa the impression they are taking advantage:).  They know it cannot be real (we don't do puppies in boxes.  hubby would have a fit:).  They both pick one reasonable toy each year. I love how the limiting of their requests makes the one they choose that much more special.  

We have had Santa's ask, Is that all??  And my kiddos simply reply, yes.  (It is funny to see a puzzled look on Santa's face.)  The One-Wish rule keeps our children grounded and keeps the One Gift that we received in Bethlehem forefront in their little minds.    It is a nice reminder and reality check, that Christmas is about so much more than the number of gifts and stacks of toys.  Santa is a sweet guy, and he always brings them a couple extras:).  We have a few special gifts for our children as well.  But everything on Christmas morning is appreciated and received with thankful hands.  I think overwhelming children with toys, especially as Christians, floods their ability to value and appreciate each present.  And it removes time and space in their hearts for remembering Christ that day.  

So we choose to keep the presents reasonable.
  To believe in Santa.  
To keep Christ first. 
 To show our children that Christmas
 is about giving.  
About being thankful for traditions and memories.  
And to allow them one wish.  
Which is a nice conversation starter about 
the One Gift we received on 
Christmas all those years ago.

You can check on Krista over here at the

{Saturated Canary}

Again, I just want to thank you all so much for your participation and enthusiasm for 
Finding Christ in Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. That's great! We believe in Santa and it's pretty much one wish too...nothing extravagant! I love the tie-in to "the one gift" given by the Savior. Very nice post!
