January 11, 2009

End in Sight!

Well, I'm scheduled to have a C-Section on January 27th. I am of course anticipating the arrival of my new little baby boy! Are babies so much fun. I am not, however, really looking forward to recovering from my insides being cut and stitched back, but hey, I've done it twice before...right?

The past few weeks have been filled with projects, slacking as a parent, downing 7 lbs of ice a week, talking on the phone, sleeping, soaking in 2-3 baths a day, laying down or standing up (never sitting!), Getting out our employee's W-2's, spending lots of lazy time with Scott and the kids, being impatient, being grateful, getting ticked off when they sent home 1/2 of the new biggest loser contestants, 2 inches of regrowth (I'm getting my hair colored tomorrow! Yippee!!!), staring at my ever expanding belly in amazement and shock, singing the Momma Mia soundtrack, checking blogs, and neglecting my house.

I want to thank all of my friends that have been checking in on me! I love you all. I don't know why it feels like time is standing still and I just can't seem to respond back to all your emails and phone calls, but I love you and am thinking about you...,while watching boring daytime TV sipping water and munching ice. I truly feel blessed and think that my friends and family are the greatest!

I'll post the last 9 months of photos and blog catch-up's as soon as I can sit for more than 5 minutes in a chair again!

And to you sweet baby...I can't wait to squeeze you in my arms!


  1. Yea for a delivery date! I loved being able to know the day, but the recovery from my c-sections was brutal both times. I can't believe you are so close. Enjoy these last two weeks of your foursome and somewhat sleep-ful nights!

  2. GOOOOOOOD LUCK ERIN!!! :) I am thinking about you!

  3. Oh, I'm so glad you posted. I've been thinking so much about you!!!

    Miss ya!! Can't wait to hear about everything...

  4. Yeah- what the heck- sending home half of the contestants? I thought that was a loser move (no pun intended). And we, too, love the Mamma Mia soundtrack- we listen to it every day!

  5. Awesome that it is coming up! Good luck...and I'm glad that you have just been doing what you please. That's what's supposed to happen when you are pregnant. I'm glad you posted though and can't wait to see those pictures.

  6. Hi I wanted to say good luck! I hear about you from Liz. I get c-sections too and I know how much anxiety it brings. I don't think you can ever get used to being cut open! You will do awesome. Good Luck. Can't wait to see pictures!

  7. Good Luck, I will be thinking of you, can't wait to see the little guy!

  8. just OH SO GLAD you are alive. Happy day for a birthday day, eh? (oh and thanks for the great rubbing alcohol advice! grin)

  9. i've downed 7 lbs. of ice a week too. joe loves going to bed listening to me crunch on ice! i'm so glad the end is in sight...what a good feeling. can't wait to see the new babe and hear all about him. good luck!

  10. Awww... I am getting SO excited honey. Can't wait to see you Jan. 26th!!! love love love, Mom xxx

  11. Hope you can endure the end well! That's always the most uncomfortable! Post pictures as soon as you're up to it!

  12. January 27! That is so soon! Can't wait to see pictures of the babe!
