September 11, 2009

Did You Know

Stole this idea from Hannah who stole it from Amy.

Did you know I went to hair School but my roots are an inch long?
Did you know I have a hair appointment on Monday?
Did you know I would have a baby every year if my body could handle it?
Did you know I have a bad temper?
Did you know I hum a lot?
Did you know I have stuck to my weight training program for three straight weeks?
Did you know I love the ocean and could stare at it for an eternity?
Did you know that I had a crush on Kirk Cameron when I was 13?
Did you know I hate the friction that comes with politics?
Did you know that I forget to brush my kids teeth?
Did you know that I make the beds in my house, but sometimes nothing else gets done?
Did you know that I don’t have any sisters?
Did you know that God blessed me with Sister-in-laws?
Did you know that I never listen to the radio?
Did you know that I love avocados?
Did you know that I miss my friends?


  1. I love your guts! You are so awesome and need to visit :)

    ps. I LOVE avocados too. love.

  2. Erin - We are so alike. I LOVED Kirk Cameron!! A Girl's night for BL would be awesome - we should have it at the gym :-) We could workout while watching. Aren't you in YW anymore?

  3. You have such a fun blog. And I think you might just be the most gorgeous couple in the blogging world! I love your list. I did a list tonight too but I think yours is better♥

  4. I didn't know any of these things, but I'm glad to now!

  5. Actually, I DID know most of that! Hum, hum, hum! Except about the avocados. LOVE YOU!

  6. Definitely knew about Kirk Cameron :)
