February 13, 2010

February 12 of 12...

February 2010 (Friday) 

1. Dylan had a fun Valentine's Party at school.
2. Made Paradise Bakery cookies. Kids loved them...Scott and I not such fans.
3. Valentine presents from Nana that I'm hiding until Sunday.
4. Heart Pancakes. Easy. Fun.
5. Good Mail Day. My gifts arrived from China. Can't wait to give them out!
6. Sawyer and his Balls. Don't touch them. Crying will ensue.
7. Opening Ceremonies. Vancouver. I cried when team USA came out. It was such a touching moment. That is, until the camera man zoomed out and their Ralph Lauren WHITE pants were revealed. Then I was just mad that they were wearing such dumb pants.
8. Sawyer was up for hours during the night and I played with him and loved it. Morning came and then I paid for it.
9. Kate made this valentine for Scott and me at preschool.
10. I spent most of the day organizing my Office. This is a present to Scott. He has been begging me.
11. Picture of Scott and Kate. Scott is playing in a 3 month tennis tournament every Friday night. It is doubles and he and Brian Dominated this Friday night.
12. Sickies at this house. BEWARE.


For those of you interested in blogging your own 12 of 12 check out where it started HERE!


  1. Hello! Yes, I've heard all about you. You have a really amazing brother, and he'll be a great addition to our family come April 23rd!

    P.S. Paradise Bakery cookies are my fav. I'm jealous you know how to make them.

  2. This day looks so fun. I need to make vday cookies, I am just scared...you know why! Haha.

  3. I like your collage, but am laughing about "Sawyer and his balls", I'm sorry but that just triggered snickering from my inner fifth grader.

  4. What fun! I love this idea - I have seen it on Jill and Amy's blog but haven't done it yet. Next month I will have to remember. I'm with you - white pants are soooo last winter Olympics!
    I do however think the snowboarders pants are kinda cool - they look like distressed jeans but they are ski pants - clever eh?
