May 2, 2010

The ROLE of the Holy Ghost

Last week we were in Arizona for my brother's wedding.. Scott's brother Cody and his wife happen to live there too and we were able to stay the night with them and attend their ward.

Sawyer was having a moment and I had to take him out during sacrament meeting.

We wandered into the Seminary room which happened to be a part of the building.

I was touched by a huge poster that they had on the wall about the Holy Ghost.

I tried to start writing down all of the points and the references but Sawyer was crying and I couldn't write fast enough.

And then a brilliant idea came to my mind.

Take a Picture.

So here you go. I hope this gives you lots to think about...and ponder. It did for me.

If you click on the photo you should be able to read the scripture references.


  1. Geeze it seems like every lesson and scripture is talking about the Holy Ghost lately.. an impression was meant to be made I guess:) We had so much fun hangin with you guys last week, we miss ya. Eden is IN LOVE with Dylan! Skype is not a want anymore, it's a need!

  2. Aren't cameras the best? And what an awesome seminary teacher to have spent so much time making that!

  3. Hi Erin. It is great to meet you! Loved your comment on my blog. I'm glad that you found us.

    Love, Bree

  4. Erin, that is awesome. I'm so glad you took a picture. My Dayton is almost eight and going to be baptized and this will be so great to teach him.

  5. Good idea to take a picture of it, and what a great present to you while you were taking the baby out during his "moment".

  6. Stumbled across this. This is exactly what I needed today. Thanks so much, Erin!
