June 18, 2010

Kentucky Louisville Mission Reunion April 2010

We had a great time attending Scott's mission reunion this April. I absolutely love his mission president, President Michael Cannon and we are lucky that they live so close to us. (Rexburg). We had not seen them since they had us over for dinner right after Kate was born, so we were very happy to get to chat with them at the reunion.

Scott and I weren't the only ones that loved seeing President Cannon. Sawyer took an immediate liking to him and wouldn't let go of him. Pres. Cannon had to hold him for over 30 minutes. Believe me, this is no small task. Sawyer wouldn't even come to me and that had never happened before. Instant Pals.
(Can someone please tell me how they come up with the maximum occupancy as 339? I'm just wondering.)

Please can I just nibble on Sawyers cheeks for a few minutes!
He also ended up sporting President Cannon's name tag.

Scott was able to chat will his old friends and it was fun meeting them all. We gathered together for a meeting and I was very touched as President and Sister Cannon spoke to us. Again, President Cannon held Sawyer through his entire talk because Sawyer was so drawn to him.


When we went to leave the church we realized that our car had been broken into. Cell phones both gone along with Scott's Wallet. Lovely, huh. Thankfully my parents drove to West Jordan to pick us up and another missionary at the reunion had a glass repair business. Nice. 
A few days later someone found Scott's wallet and found and contacted him via Facebook. It is a
crazy world that we live in these days. Technology and social networking blow my mind.

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