September 8, 2010

Date with Dylan

In July I got to take Dylan on a Date with me. We attended his best friends baptism. It was a beautiful, sunny Saturday and we both had such a great time together. Dylan doesn't turn 8 for another year and a half. He asked a lot of questions and it was a good opportunity for him to feel the spirit and hear the talks about baptismal covenants and the amazing Holy Ghost.

I was really proud of Jaxon too. He is in my primary class and was prepared to be baptised. He is a great friend and example to Dylan.

And here is a picture of the missionary maps at the Young's house. It is fun to have cousin's on missions. Taryn in Thailand, Jordan in Amsterdam, and Morgan in France. Awesome.

Dylan frequently asks me about missionary service and what he will be doing. I love talking to him about preparing to be a full time missionary. I hope he learns to become a hard-working missionary like his dad. While I loved being a missionary, I think I fell short from reaching my potential as a missionary.

Thank Heavens for Eternal Progress.

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