October 12, 2010

We Love You President Packer!

With so much negative anger being directed towards President Boyd K. Packer, we decided to join the effort to mail President Packer 100,000 letters of encouragement by this Saturday.

If you feel that you would like to join in the effort by showing support for our dear President Packer, you can find this great stationary for free at http://scriptures4kids.com/children/lds-primary-activities/category/9-p-p.html .

The mailing address can also be found at the same link.

Make no mistake...

The Peterson Family supports the Leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.


  1. thats awesome! What a good message to spread.

  2. Thanks for sharing! I love the messages. Dylan's is amazing and sweet. Kate's is perfect.
    Love you, love them. xoxo

  3. i love that erin. thanks for the info, we'll send our own letters!
