December 28, 2010

On Friday we got up early and ran some errands to finish up loose ends for Christmas. We then were able to meet Ben Fuller (Scott's Cousin) and his new wife Shannon along with Karen & Grant Smith at Chuck E Cheese and the kids had a blast spending all their token's on games.

 I am a loser for not taking pictures, but I just enjoyed myself and drank diet soda!

Friday evening we headed over to my Aunt  Jill's for Christmas Eve Dinner. All our traditional fixing's were there and it was so fun to see my cousin's. This is the only picture I could find, via Mandy's facebook page so here ya go.

Taryn & Mandy (Love you guys!)
Taryn won our traditional Christmas Tree game and I predicted she would. She is a master with the dice! This game has been in our family for over 50 years and you can now buy one for your family. We have so much fun playing. Check out the website to purchase your own.

When we got home from Dinner the kids opened their Christmas PJ's that I made for them. They were a hit with my boys, but turned into tears for Kate. She didn't want to wear the ones that I made for her...she wanted to wear the pink bunny ones that Nana had bought her. I FORCED her to put them on for just a few pictures and promised that she could put the bunny ones on if she smiled in the pictures. It worked.

Dylan was a good sport and loved his Jammie's!

This is Kate with Nana. They are joined at the hip!

Love them!

Dylan dreaming of his front teeth for Christmas!

How would you ever know that she had just thrown the biggest tantrum?
Aren't these Jammie's cute? Who wouldn't want to wear them?
And little Sauce loved his the most! He thought the polka dots were balls and he didn't want me to take them off. He wore them for 2 days.

When it was time for bed, Papa made sure to borrow uncle Jeff's huge bells to shake outside the kids window and he even let out a jolly "HO, HO, HO!".

So much fun!

1 comment:

  1. ok those r the cutest pj's ever!!!! love them!!! do them make them in adult size too!
    looked like a very fun Christmas!!! i didn't know u were related to Taryn either!!! how fun!
