July 29, 2011

Are You Chubby?

Um...I know it's sort of a personal question...but not that personal. 
I mean we do share ourselves with the rest of the world. 


It is however hard to admit.

Really hard.

So here I go......

I'm Chubby.
It is bound to happen to you if you have four kids in a short amount of time, 
and eat too many calories and burn too few.


Well, I'm ready to be fit again. Like REALLY fit. 

And I want to do this so that I can...

 And Maybe feel cute, confident and comfortable in something like this.
(You know, so that when I bend over in my jeans I'm not tucking my buns back in when I stand up.)

 And I can't wait until this...

Feels really good.
Feels really great.
Feels like it USE TO.

And I'm not doing it because I want to wear a bikini or shake my tight bottom...
(although it will be nice to shake it and not have it shake back!)

I'm doing it because...
My Body IS Amazing.

You see my body has had a really HARD year.

My body Survived Spinal Meningitis.
My body Survived Pregnancy. 
My body Survived a total Placenta Abruption.
My body Survived having my Bladder Cut completely in Half during my C-section.
My body Survived my 4th C-section.
My body Survived having the Foley of a Catheter shoved accidentally through my bladder and into my Uterus.
My body Survived having to wear a Catheter for close to a month.
My body Survived having 5 months of strait Urinary Tract Infections.
And this week my body is Surviving Strep.

So, I do think my body is Awesome.
In fact, I think that I am Awesome.

So I am doing it because...

I have Potential.


So tell me...
are you chubby?

And if so...When are you going to start REALLY doing something about it?

I started a month ago and
I lost 2 lbs last week.

Yea, Me.


  1. Erin~ This post made me giggle, cry, and think "WOW!" all at the same time! I cannot believe what your body (and you) have been through. You are amazingly strong because I don't think I would even get out of bed after all that - you are an inspiration to me and I appreciate your positive outlook and honesty! You are so beautiful and so is your darling family. I feel blessed to have met you.


  2. One of my favorite quotes is "dwell in possibility" by Emily Dickinson. I think a lot of us underestimate the value of our positive thoughts. So if we want something, we should go get it. Sounds like that is exactly what you are doing. You go girl!

  3. Goodness gracious, your body made it through a really tough year!!

    Yes, I am chubby, but I have been consistently walking this summer and making an effort to be more active all around. I am amazed at how forgiving my body is even though I have been so unkind to it for so long.

  4. Erin, I totally relate to this. Always! You are a great writer too. Hang in there, babe!

  5. i'm chubby but way less chubbier than I used to be.


    I'm so behind on my google reader. glad to get caught up on your life.

    i sure like you.
