August 4, 2011

Not Another Tooth

Am I the only parent that becomes grumpy when their children's teeth fall out.
I really get mad...I hate it. Their sweet baby faces change from cute and innocent to
I'm Huge and I'll be moving out in a month.
( a little dramatic, but it is how I feel.)

 This picture that Dylan drew was too cute not to post. I love it that he drew a picture of the fairy and also a picture of himself sleeping in his bed.

And maybe it is my fault that he had to add the message,
"I hope you come",
because maybe the tooth fairy forgets at our house.
A lot.


  1. I just got caught up on reading your blog!! Wow it has been a crazy year for you erin! You are so positive and optimistic- I love it. Health issues are hard to go through. Your family is adorable and I would never call you chubby- But I am sure you will reach your goals bc you always do! I love the testimony idea too- very inspiring!

  2. Such a cute blog you are way better then me!!
