October 13, 2011

17 Miracles Giveaway: You heard me right!

Have You Seen 17 Miracles?

It is a movie about one of the handcart companies as it traveled towards the Salt Lake Valley. I don't know if I can say enough good things about this movie. I first watched it with Scott and the next day I watched it with Kimm, Dylan and Kate. 

I can't believe what amazing dialog it opened up between a 5 & 7 year-old and their mom.

The kids didn't understand why these people were going through so many struggles and why Heavenly Father wasn't helping them.

I was able to really dissect the movie with them and answer a lot of their questions and then they wanted to watch it again.

It is a powerful movie because the experiences are true. The Early Saints of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints overcame amazing obstacles in following their faith. I am humbled by their many sacrifices, even death, in the name of their Savior whom they loved so much.

Do you have your own copy? You can purchase one at Deseret Book. Christmas is coming shortly and I think that this would be an awesome Christmas present for any family. My family loved it.

And here is the good news:
I am giving away a FREE copy!!!

To Enter: 
1. Become a Follower of this Blog 
2. Leave me a comment
***If you would like an extra entry, you could post this giveaway on facebook or on your own blog and leave me an extra comment for each. 

*A Winner Will Be Chosen Thursday, October 20th.

I also want to recommend this book.

Fire Of The Covenant is one of my favorite books about the Handcart companies. Please do me a favor and read it. I love the stories and the research that Gerald N. Lund put into writing it. 

"The price we paid to become acquainted with God was a privilege to pay, and I am thankful that I was privileged to come in the Martin Handcart Company.'"

It is such a beautiful book.


  1. I follow and left a comment!

    michellehaskell at gmail dot com

  2. oh i so want to see this movie!
    i am already a follower!!!:)
    i have read fire in the covenant and it truly is an amazing book! thanks for sharing!

  3. My parents, San Diego, told me about this movie. We live in Iowa where the only way to find out about things like this is from family and friends in the west. We live 25 miles from our Branch building and about 80 miles from the Stake Center, a little bit farther to the Winter Quarters Temple. We love it here, but miss the close association with members we had in CA, WA, VA, and UT. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I'm already a follower. Love your blog by the way, glad I found it :)

  5. I've been meaning to see this forever! Fingers crossed.

  6. We were able to see it when we were visiting Utah over the summer. I have never cried so hard in a movie!

  7. I favorited your blog last week and have been meaning to post a comment thanking you for having such a positive, uplifting place to come! I'm seriously inspired every time I read your blog--it makes me want to be a better person. I'm now an official follower. :)

    Still can't believe we haven't seen 17 Miracles yet!!! We heard rave reviews about it all summer long from dozens of friends and somehow never made it to the theaters. And we're neighbors with the lead actors' parents!! Would LOVE to have this movie in our home.

    Thanks again for your positive attitude towards life, Erin!

  8. I live in Indiana and the movie never made it this far east. I would love to have a copy of it. I'm a new convert and still learning the history of the church.

  9. I'm following! And I LOVE that book too--I read it last summer just before going on Trek, and it made my experience that much better! (Haven't seen the movie yet, but really want to.)

  10. I just seen this movie and it is awesome!

  11. I found your blog through my cousin Laurel Christensen's blog and have been following it for a while and LOVE it. I love how honest you are and it's just fun to read your stories. Keep the awesome posts coming!

  12. I'm following now..; :) Awesome Erin!

  13. Im following!! Love your posts!! Love 17 miracles- just watched it for the first time a few weeks ago- I didnt even know about the book I will have to read it!

  14. I followed!
    I have not seen this movie but have heard great things.
    Your posts are always good for thought. Love, Abby

  15. I'm following! I haven't gotten around to watching it yet.

  16. I just came across your blog and I am now an official follower. :) I am currently living in BC Canada right now, but I am from UT. When I was visiting family in UT this summer my Mom told me about the movie, she had seen in 2 times already. I was never able to see it in the movie theater while I was visiting and I was so disappointed about that. Thank you for sharing this!
    vyedkafellows at msn dot com

  17. I've been wanting to see this movie! Love your blog Erin!

  18. I've heard nothing but good about this movie but have yet to see it. I'd love to win! Thanks for the generous giveaway, Erin!

  19. Follower and commented! Love you

  20. I've been wanting to see this! Consider me entered.
