October 16, 2011

Sunday Thoughts: How Great Thou Art

I had a really amazing moment today during church. As I was wrestling Sawyer during the Sacrament hymn, I looked over at Dylan. He was sat with his hymn book open and was singing the hymn. I heard his sweet voice blurt out in his best monotone singing voice, "My God, how great Thou art."

It was one of those really rewarding parenting moments. His sweet little spirit was singing with conviction and I couldn't help but laugh and tear up all at the same time. This was the first time that Dylan's reading skills have been good enough to sing along in a hymn book. I know that he has a budding testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ. It makes me so pleased.

I will remember today always.


I've made two free printable's if you would like to use them for anything.

Free Printable Download {Here}

Free Printable Download {Here}


  1. Aww that's so wonderful. And thanks for the printable!

  2. Hi Erin!

    Potty training... When little Bruce came up to me at 20 months and told me he pooped and he had the wipes and a diaper in his hands for me to clean him up, I decided it was time to potty train. He has been by far the worst potty trainer out of my five kids. But, in his defense, I have never been the mother to 5 kids before and I am way less attentive to his need to use the restroom.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing how your appointment goes for your bladder.

    I love your blog! I look forward to seeing your comments and knowledge. It lifts me.

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  5. What a beautiful experience! That's so exciting.
