November 1, 2011

Out Of The Office

I'm in Utah.

It is seriously fun to get away sometimes. I have nothing on the Schedule. Well, other than my two doctor's appointments.

It is NOVEMBER!!!!!

Happy November People.

I'm on my momma's computer so I thought it might be fun to randomly pull pictures from her computer and see what we get.

Shall we get started?

Leave it to Anne to get all creative and top me with the Mother's Day Card. Anne, this is ADORABLE.

I love me some Mamma Mia. Here is my Mamma heading into the show.

Wow, Sawyer has gotten huge in the past year.

My brother John graduated from George Washington Law School this year. And now he is back in Law School doing another Master's at New York University. (I think). Correct me if I'm wrong John John.

My parents back yard. Oh how I love Wisteria.

See that sweet blue Porsche? That is a masterpiece created by my dad. He wins car shows and stuff. Pretty cool.

My cute brother Dustin and my SIL Jenna. Love them.

Kate and I rocking out at Jenna and Dustin's Wedding.

Dustin, Eden, John & Mom. I sure wish we were together more often.

Look, this is Dylan as a baby. Nothing better than hiking Stewart Falls. Wow, this feels like a million years ago.

Dad's 60th birthday party last year. Such a fun surprise.

This is the greatest picture of Dylan sledding last year. NO TEETH. Love it.

How was that for a blast from the past. I'll get back to my regular posting soon.

Don't forget to enter to win this awesome book right {HERE}.

I'll announce the winner this Friday!!!

Peace out, I'm off to see the Urologist. I know that you are ALL JEALOUS. Lucky me.

Have you looked through the pictures on somebody else's computer lately?
Should I have posted more embarrassing photo's?
Do you wish you had an appointment to see the Urologist?


  1. That picture on the sled is priceless. Love it!

  2. It was such an awesome surprise to have you pop in at work with a Cherry Limeade today!!! Thanks so much for stopping by and for bringing me that treat, it was soooo welcome and just what I needed to help me make it through the rest of the afternoon!

    I hope your doctor visits go well!

  3. Good luck with your appointments, Erin. I hope things go well and you get some answers. What a frustrating thing to be happening! Maybe I'll run into you around town while you're here. If I do, I'll be sure to say hi!

  4. Oh my gosh - these are FABULOUS photos! I can't pick a favorite. I just love this blog!

  5. Beautiful family pictures... a happy family!
    I love all your pictures! May i know what camera do you use? Pictures are very clear.
