November 10, 2011

Start Spreading The News...Almost.

I am almost on my way. Packing is the worst, but I can't wait to see New York City!!! The closest I have ever been was Newark, New Jersey.

People, that is not close enough.

And don't ask me about it because even though it was 10 years ago, I still remember it like it was yesterday. Laying down flat in the middle of the airport on the hard floor, staring up at the ceiling and crying. Cancelled flights, lost luggage and dirty underwear will do that to a girl.

I am so excited to see New York. It is all dreamy in my mind. Every movie that I have ever seen that was filmed in New York just keeps playing in my mind.  I have wanted to go for so long!

My mom asked me what I wanted to do and I told her that I just wanted to walk around the city and stare. I want to bundle up and just roam. Does this make me boring? There is no place that I really care that much to go. I just want to walk, and walk, and walk, and walk.

I've been a little worried about my traveling companion because he is so tiny, and I don't want him to freeze. Luckily, our local Walmart came through for me this morning and I was able to find this cute little snowsuit for Mr. Wyatt.

Now if I can just make it through tomorrow night's Red Eye...I'll be there!!!

Have you ever been stuck with dirty underwear?
Do I sound boring for wanting to just walk around?
Have you ever taken a baby on a Red Eye?
If you have, do you have any tips for me?


  1. I'd bring Wy-Wy some cooler clothes just in case. It was pretty warm today.

  2. oOh, lucky YOU! Will you visit the temple while you are there. We are just three hours south!

  3. don't forget to pack some benadryl just in case, but hopefully for a red-eye u 2 will just get to sleep!!! the noise of the plane usually helps with that! also don't forget to have the baby drink during take off and landing for his ears!
    enjoy new york! see the statue of liberty and don't for get to go to fao schwartz for some toys for your tots too! have a blast!!

  4. My first trip to New York we roamed around with no plan. It was for my 18th Birthday. My only suggestion with that is that when it's cold, roaming is not so much fun, so I would at least make a list of things you might like to do so that you aren't stuck going umm... what do we do now? I don't know, whadda you wanna do? We saw some shows, went to the wax museum, MOMA and of course to the Statue of Liberty which was cool.

    I hope you have so much fun! NYC is an amazing place! :)

    New followe from the hop! Check us out if you get a minute!

  5. Two days is plenty to see tons in New York especially if you are going to walk it. Mostly I am glad you will have it to go back to in your mind as you recover from surgery. Make a mental scrapbook to sift through because it is Wonderful! I can't believe all you have had to go through and have yet to go through. No one is stronger than you! PS!!! When you are cold and need to lounge go to the 8th (I think it was the 8th) floor of the Marriott Marque at Times Square. There are comfy couches and beautiful empty bathrooms. Sort of act like you know what you are doing cause certain elevators go to different floors. But it became our perfect HANG OUT on girls trips.
    Love, Abby Taylor

  6. Have fun in New York!! You will have a blast :) Take lots of pictures and make sure you share your trip with us. I found you in a blog hop. If you have time, I hope you can return the follow love back. Thanks!!

  7. The paci will help with the ear popping but he may still cry about it. Hope it's not too bumpy, mine threw up. Hope it's not too cold for you there, I like spring & summer in NYC better than fall.

    I'm a new follower w/ GFC from the Lots of Lovin' hop. Hope you follow back. Cheryl

  8. I would love to go to New York! I am now following you from the hop and would love a follow back over at Check out my Just Mens Ring Giveaway if you get a chance. :)

  9. Ahh!! I'm SO excited for you!! Have a blast!

  10. Try a pacifier and a bottle/cup for the airplane. We'll be traveling by plane with a 4-yr-old and an 18 month old next year. So I cant wait to read to see how your lil guy does.

    I'm on my second boy and still trying to figure out what I'm doing, lol.

    BTW: I'm a new GFC follower after finding you on a blog hop.

    Look forward to reading your blog.


  11. I'm stopping by from the Finding New Friends Weekend Hop. I'm following you by GFC. I'd love if you stopped by my blog.

