December 12, 2011

Letting the Christ-child in & a Christmas Blog Hop

This post is written by Jocelyn Christensen  who blogs at
{We Talk of Christ, We Rejoice in Christ}

In our family, we have a lot of traditions that ground us in the true meaning of Christmas, but one tradition in particular is quite beautiful and you don't need to purchase anything extra in order to do it in your own family!

We call it "Letting the Christ-child in."  It is a very simple and can be very meaningful.

According to my mother, the tradition originated with her maternal grandparents who were members of the Church of England.  They had a very late church service on Christmas eve and afterward, as a family they would walk home, singing carols as they went.   Arriving just about midnight, they opened the door to their home to "let in the Christ child" as they re-entered their home and then opened their gifts.   

For generations now, my family and I have also opened our Christmas gifts at midnight Christmas eve, but ALWAYS, we open the doors of our house FIRST to let the Christ-child in.

I have fond memories of one parent standing at the back door of our house and the other parent (with children racing behind them) scurrying to open the front door.  Simultaneously, both doors are opened, allowing a crisp winter breeze to sweep through the house.  As a child, I remember imagining a young Christ-child wandering through the house for that brief, thrilling, magical moment.

After we have figuratively let the Christ child in, we begin our celebrating, gift-giving, and partaking of party food!  

You do not have to wake up at midnight to start this tradition in your family...just open your doors and your hearts to the Christ child this season.

I am thankful for the Christmas season, and for the gift of good family traditions that help us learn about, celebrate, and center our lives on the Savior, Jesus Christ.  I hope that you will experience His presence and love where ever you are and however you choose to celebrate this Christmas.  

Merry Christmas!

If you have a Christmas Post you would like to link up please do it here. This Blog Hop is being hosted by Jocelyn over at We Talk of Christ, We Rejoice in Christ.


  1. Awesome,Erin, thanks for the opportunity to participate in your special series! I love it!

  2. What a fun tradition from Jocelyn. Isn't her blog great? (And she's not so bad herself!)


  3. found you VIA Lots of Lovin' blog hop
    check me out at if you get a chance, I'd LOVE another follower <3
    PS. we're having a blog hop this weekend
