December 15, 2011

Spirit Of Service by Aarean

{This post was written by my new friend Aarean. Find her {here}!


I absolutely, positively love this time of year. The food, the decorations, the family getting together...the music, the colorful trees and ornaments... It's all so wonderful! How easy it is to forget (and yes we hear this phrase so often...) "the true meaning of Christmas". When Erin asked if I would share some ways that I try to remember Christ during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I was thrilled. For the mere fact that amongst the gift wrapping, the shopping, or blogging about my latest Christmas projects, forced me to take a step back and re-prioritize.

Of course, one of my favorite things to do, especially during Christmas, is to read the story of Christ's birth (found in Luke). But, my favorite thing about this time of year is the spirit of service that radiates through so many. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and service is a huge part of what we believe. Like our Savior said, "Verily, I say unto you inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brothers, ye have done it unto me."

During this this time of year, the greatest thing I can do in remembering Christ is to be of Service. Making Christmas cookies for my neighbors. Cooking a holiday meal for a friend. Helping out at a food drive, or simply donating goods to a local charity. All of these things are simple ways to serve, and it is a true reminder to me of what this season is all about. There is so much joy and satisfaction is service, when we forget ourselves and focus on others...there is no better way to remember our Savior then by serving. I truly, truly believe that!

Merry Christmas to you all...may you find service to be a beautiful reminder of Christ during this special time of year!

editor of Color Issue


Aarean is an incredible designer and shares her knowledge of color on her blog

You really DO NOT want to pass up her blog.
You just don't.
Hop over there and be inspired.


  1. Thank you for sharing. Yesterday I was reminded of keeping Christ in Christmas when a friend told me for the first time in years, she stopped and gave food to a homeless young person. She was inspired by the fact my son is homeless and we are trying to raise the money to bring him home. She told me I was her inspiration to remember God wants us to reach out to others.

  2. Hi - You are so right about finding the Christ in Christmas...sometimes in all the rush we forget... following you on a weekend blog hop - hope you can follow back :)

  3. LOVE this post! This is the only post I've seen about Christ this Christmas. Thank you for your boldness :). If you would like to do any future posts about Christianity, and you're looking for more bloggers, feel free to contact me.
