December 7, 2011

Wednesday: Did You Know? + a winner!!!

 1. I love being a blonde. Is it even possible to ever be TOO blonde? Look, my hair is SO blonde you can't even see it! Okay, maybe the sun shining through the window had something to do with it. Hair appointments are the best. Thank you Megan at Bridge Street Image, I heart you.

2. I love living in Southeast Idaho. (I'm not being sarcastic, I REALLY do.) I love it here. It is beautiful and cold. The people are amazing and generous. The scenery is breathtaking. The traffic is NON-Existent. 

3. I love my husband. You probably already knew that. But did you know that he has a new girlfriend named Ricky RICCAR? He picked her out yesterday and took her to the office. He called to tell me that she is the most amazing vacuum ever. I said "I'm glad she makes you so happy, feel free to bring her home and introduce her to the family."

4. I should also probably tell you that Scott is playing his violin tonight at a charity fundraiser for Relay For Life. Ya, he is pretty awesome.

5. This is what it looks like when Scott and I leave our small town of Blackfoot and drive to Costco. Have you been to any of these cities?

6. Panda Express is just about OUR favorite place to eat. On our family vacations we have been known to eat there daily. {HOLY SODIUM overload} This one just opened in Pocatello. Oh Ya, Oh Ya!!!

7. This terrifying, ape like monster was outside the Vacuum store yesterday. I was so weirded out by it. It was creepy and fantastic all at the same time. It was totally out of place and really scary. Yet another reason I love Idaho. So strange.

8. Kate has this thing with dressing up Sawyer as a girl. He lets her. I said, "Sawyer, you look so pretty". He said, "No, I cool." You should see the ponytail he is sporting in the back. Matchy Matchy, twins squared.

 9. I love it when random photo's show up on my phone. I'm guessing Dylan.

10. Wy-Wiggles is everywhere. He went from not even rolling over, to sitting, crawling and climbing in about 3 weeks. HELP. He is into EVERYTHING. Good thing that he is the Happiest Baby Alive. Teeth are arriving shortly.


Guess What Peeps?

We have a WINNER for our book giveaway
(Drum Roll)

And who is lucky #9?

Maria, you lucky DEAR...You WON.

Be excited, be very excited and email me or facebook me your address. 
Congratulations SPLASH, Love V8 
(Totally inside joke between she and I cause we go way back like that. We're tight.)

Have you ever been to Idaho?
Do you love your Vacuum?
Is there such a thing as TOO BLONDE?


  1. Hi. Great looking family. I'm your newest follower from the Thirsty Thursday blog hop. Hope you come visit me.

  2. Super jealous of your non-existent traffic. And yes, Panda Express FTW!

  3. I love Idaho, it's so pretty. Never lived there, but driven through it and to it many times.

    I don't love my vacuum, but I do love my mop. :)

  4. I know all the signs you have posted pictures of. I know the ape in front of Jones. I was born at the hospital that was closed one year ago in the same city. I have been to all the places on the interstate signs. I even know approximately the mile marker. What I'm saying is you just gave me a trip down memory lane when I live so far away from it now. I miss it. I've never been blonde. Nor plan to be. Thanks for the trip down the freeway!

  5. I just found your blog and I love it! You have a beautiful family!
