December 28, 2011

Wednesday: Did You Know?

1. Christmas is amazing. I can't believe how much I love ribbon, wrapping paper, and family.  The kids love it too and Kate and Sawyer had so much fun decorating Papa. My dad is a kid at heart and is so patient with the kids. Isn't he cute!

 2. How cute is Sawyer rolling out the cookie dough that came in {this amazing Christmas Cookie Basket from the Folkman's}. You have to check out the link. It is the cutest Christmas Gift idea I've ever seen. Rachel is a genius, just like her mother and always puts together amazing theme ideas. It blew my mind, and my kids were the ones that benefited from the great gift. They had so much fun making and decorating cookies with Nana.
3. Before we left Utah on Tuesday, we hit up the Quicksilver store in Provo. Everything was 75% off and we scored. My favorite purchase was this flannel shirt for Sawyer. Oh my heavens I am in love with it. It cost me a Whopping 2 bucks. So cute.

4. I'm going to stop talking as much about my medical issues. There will be a few more posts, but I'm sure you are all sick of hearing about 'poor' me. So here it is. It is two weeks post surgery and I am FABULOUS!!! I can't believe how good I am. Miracle after Miracle have gotten me here and I feel so blessed to be doing so well. The worst part of the entire surgery was my rash, and the first time they filled up my bladder with fluid.

My catheter got a hole in the bag the night before I had it removed and so I had to double bag it with grocery bags. SO GROSS!!! But pretty funny.

I am TUBE free, PAIN free and I have no holes in my bladder or uterus that aren't supposed to be there! AMAZING! I feel so blessed.

5. Scott and I laid in bed last night while Sawyer was sleeping on the floor. (This happens a lot. Don't ask.) He started telling  us jokes and we were laughing so hard. I can't believe that he is almost 3. I have enjoyed him so much. Everything that he says or does is just magic. I sure have a soft spot for him in my heart. I love all my kids so much, but every mom should have a Sawyer.

6. Today, when I put Kate's hair up in pig tails I made her promise me that she would wash her hair tomorrow. It has seriously been a week since she washed her hair. Gross. She sure clean's up cute though.

7. Wyatt is getting really mobile and really brave. This is him yelling at me for trapping him in the living room with stools. I'm not sure what to do with him. He is everywhere. He is hilarious. And really smiley, as long as he is roaming free.

8. Scott left the house today and exclaimed "we are going to a family movie tonight if the house is clean when I get home." I know that this incentive was for the kids...but good grief, that is still a lot of pressure on me. I better get busy!

9. On Monday, Kimm, Nana and the clan took me and my Catheter to see A Dolphin's Tale (my first public outing with my pee). I cried about 10 times.  I dreamed of being a dolphin trainer as a child and still have a love for the Sea and it's creatures. Great movie. Scott ended up driving the two babies (yes I still call Sawyer my baby) around in the car for most of the movie. Thanks Scott.

10. My first night without my catheter and my first night with a working bladder I had to use the bathroom about every 45 minutes. This is worse than pregnancy. I literally felt like I was going to the bathroom all night long. (TMI I know!) Anyway, tell your bladder that you love it!

How was your Christmas?
What is the longest your daughter has gone without washing her hair?
Do you have a extra soft spot for any of your children?


  1. Your kiddos are precious as can be! Happy Holidays

    xo Shane

  2. Glad you are feeling better! Your kids are adorable!

  3. we got dolphin tale for Christmas, isn't it such a great movie!!!
    so glad to hear you r doing and feeling so well!! u have been through a lot, glad to know u r whole again!!
    i do have a special spot for one of my kiddos as well!! they r all special of course!!!
    happy new year!
