January 6, 2012

Blog Stalk Talk: The Daybook

Some blog's you just can't keep your eye's off.

That is how I feel about  The Daybook

Syd feels like a little Sister and Ty's my bro. And I really wish that Aunt Erin could give that little Everett a smooch and a squeeze. He is so yummy. I'm not sure what attracts me to this blog more; Syd's writing and humor, her style sense, her sweet baby, or her photography. She makes me laugh and I love that.

Anyway, she is totally AWESOME & AWKWARD

Now tell me...

What blog's do you Stalk?


  1. I love The Daybook too. I find I laugh and think most though when I read things on Nat the Fat Rat. I just love her, and I don't even know her.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Geeze, I stalk The Daybook, Nat the Fat Rat too! I also am head over heels with Enjoying the Small Things I also stalk C Jane Enjoy It occasionally. I am attracted most to blogs with inspirational/funny writing and beautiful/interesting pictures

  4. I just found you on my friend Jen's blog {Twiddler House} and you/your family/your blog are all super cute! I'm your newest follower and I think I'd like to stalk your blog {kidding, kinda!} Hope you'll stop by and follow me too!
    Have a great weekend,
    Laurie @ Gallamore West
    p.s. Glad to read that you're recovering well... that sounds like quite a scary ordeal. And I loved the line about your husband looking at you lovingly while you hold your own bag of urine!
