September 24, 2013

Blackmoore by Julianne Donaldson: A Book Review & Giveaway

Kate feels as if she is a caged bird, wanting to escape, but completely helpless. She is smart, witty, strong willed, and yet a touch annoying. You love her and yet you want to sort of slap her and wake her up from her limited views of her reality.

"Kitty" is tormented by her flirtatious mother and she has sworn off men for fear of ever being compared to her mother or her sisters.. Her mother is a beast and an embarrassment. Think Cinderella's step mother with a flirtatious air, a loose tongue, and no social graces.

And then enters Henry. He is strong, good, kind, noble and her best friend. They have the kind of history and fondness that makes for the best of relationships...and yet the problems and wheels working against them seem to make it an impossible match. Kate and Henry are powerful characters and I really enjoyed watching their history unfold as the story moved from present time to past throughout the chapters. I read this book nearly in one sitting and stayed up into the night to finish it. I like it more that Edenbrooke.

If I was to give it one criticism it would be that I had other ideas for the ending;)

I recommend this book completely. It is a clean read, the kind you can recommend to your teenage daughter. It will make you swoon and for me it brought back all the tender feelings, excitement and emotions I felt when dating my sweet husband Scott.  The characters felt real and honest and I enjoyed it. 4.5 Stars

You can pick up a copy at Deseret Book at Deseret Book E Shelf or at Amazon.

All you have to do to be entered to win my giveaway is Like, Comment or Share my Facebook post.
Like is 1 entry, comment is 3 entry's and Share is 10 entry's.


Good Luck!

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