October 24, 2013

Fiddling at the State Fair

Dylan and Kate competed on their fiddles at the State Fair back in September.
This was one of those days that I just looked at my kids and thought,
"Wow, these little people I am raising are awesome."

Somehow they just seemed really big to me.
I am amazed at how quickly time goes by and how much they change each year.
I can't believe that I am lucky enough to be their mother.
They have such amazing spirits.
I thank Heavenly Father Daily for knowing them.

Kate looked so cute and "country" and I was eating up her toothless smile.
She handles pressure pretty great, which is so weird because she is super shy.
She must get it from her dad because she does not crack under pressure.

The kids have been playing the violin for about 8 months now. They are improving so much.
I love having music in my home. Even if some days it takes all my energy
just to convince them to practice. They are both naturally gifted and it is 
exhausting trying to convince them of this.

I have two pretty great musicians.

My dad drove 3 hours just to come and support them and they loved having him there.

This picture makes me smile.
Kate has flawless skin and a cute little scowl.
I wonder what she was thinking.

Dylan is huge.
His hands are bigger than mine now, and his feet are too.
He is such a nice, energetic kid. He has a great heart.

The other day Sawyer said to Scott and I,
My name is Sausage and I like to eat my name.
This made us laugh like crazy.
It is extra funny hearing him say it with a lisp.
We call him Sauce still.

Wyatt is turning from a baby into a little boy.
This makes his mom sort of sad.
We call him Wiggy, Wiggles, Wart, Warthog and NAUGHTY.
Really Naughty.
I'm wearing a bruise to prove it.

Kate and Dylan didn't place in the Family Category, but they did make some money
and have a great experience.
Kate took 3rd place in her age group.

Scott and I were pretty proud.

I think Dylan was a little discouraged that they didn't win first place.
It is pretty heartbreaking watching your child be disappointed in himself.


I was so proud of them.

And then we celebrated.
They begged me to let them ride this swing.
I finally gave in after telling them that they would probably die.

Dylan looking scared and woozy at the end of the ride was the best reward for Me. 
Sometimes I take joy in their pain. 
Just sometimes.

And I will never let them ride this ride again.

Fair rides are so scary.

We had such a great time.
I love spending time with the family.

This picture makes me smile because Scott is so dang cute with his long hair. He had been
begging me to give him a haircut and I kept refusing.

I love my family.


  1. Uh...that swing ride looks dang unsafe, amazingly high and scary. I'm with you on that!!

  2. Yes, more violinists! What was the name of the fiddle song(s) they played at the fair? And yay for grandpa being able to watch them- that's awesome.
