October 3, 2013

Mission Home: New LDS Missionary Resource

I want to tell you about a new tool available for Prospective LDS missionaries. It is called Mission Home and it is an excellent resource for future missionaries. Oh, how I wish this had been available when I was preparing to serve a mission. Of course that was pretty much before we even had the Internet. This could have helped me in so many ways. First of all, did you even know they have an online application for missionaries? What?

And if you look at that book over in the lower right hand side of the picture, you should know that I have read it, and it is WONDERFUL! I wish I had read that years before I served as a missionary. I say buy it for your teenagers NOW.

Look at all the information available in one place.

And as a Returned Sister Missionary, I have been asked this questions hundreds of times. This was a great article and I STRONGLY RECOMMEND it for all Young Women to read. It encourages those willing to serve but also reminds those women who don't feel that serving a mission is for them, that...THAT IS OKAY.

And What could be more important for preparing to Enter The Temple. I still remember going to the temple for the first time. It was February 22, 1997, and I'm so grateful that I remember that day like it was yesterday. There is Nothing like being dressed in white with the people you love surrounding you while you receive the blessings the Lord is waiting to give you.

I hope you find this new page useful. I'm sure it will be getting a LOT of use. I can't wait to hear what our Leaders have to say about the missionary efforts at General Conference. 2 days and counting.


And here is the OFFICIAL PRESS release for this new website.

MissionHome.com provides new resources for missionaries and their families
Where you serve is not as important as how you serve.

Salt Lake City, UT (September 17, 2013) – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints currently operates over 400 missions with more than 75,000 missionaries serving throughout the world. When the missionary age change was announced in the October 2012 general conference, a new wave of prospective missionaries began preparing for the moment they would receive their call.

After receiving the call, missionaries and families often begin their search for specific information on that mission. 
Until now, there has not been a centralized site to learn about the culture and people of each mission area.  On October 1st, 2013 Deseret Book Company will launch an online missionary website, MissionHome.com. MissionHome.com focuses on each phase of missionary service—prepare, serve and return. It includes helpful hints to prospective missionaries including tips for how to pack efficiently and how to prepare to leave as well as inspiring and authentic experiences from former missionaries.  A complete mission directory, created by missionaries who themselves have served in that area, provides information about local customs, food, transportation, safety, and many other insights.

“We saw a way that we could provide a gathering place for missionaries and the families of missionaries to become acquainted with the area where they would be serving as well as provide other unique resources,” said Laurel Christensen Day of Deseret Book Company, “and MissionHome.com was born.”

MissionHome.com is easy to use and provides a library of information for prospective and returning missionaries as well as help to families of those currently serving (a section for senior couples will be coming soon). Familiar LDS authors as well as recently returned missionaries and past mission presidents will be regular contributors to the site. 

In addition to great free content and resources, families will be able to send care packages directly to their missionaries with guaranteed delivery from Deseret Book. Service is available to most missions.

For more information on Mission Home, visit www.missionhome.com.

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