January 14, 2014

Does This Insecurity Make Me Look Fat?

Don't let the humor in the title of this book make you discount the powerful punch that its contents are packing.


I loved reading this book.
I was so completely taken of guard when I read it.
Every page surprised me.

Michelle Wilson shares some very personal experiences about humility, insecurity, uncertainty, self-doubt, lack of self-worth and serious pity-parties. And you will feel at times like she is inside your head.

"Ya mean, other people out there feel the same  way I do?
...who woulda' thunk?"

She does an incredible job of using personal experiences from her life and creating unique little "AFTA" (chapter one) lessons that WE all can relate to.

This book might be the perfect dose of "self help" that we all need, a little reality check for us all.

Michelle has crafted this book into this simple little "pep talk" and check list that we can all use to realign our perspective on ourselves, our self-worth, our purpose, and our destiny.

She says...

Heavenly Father knows our longing. I believe he gave us feelings of longing to draw us back to Him, a way to lead us to the truth. In our darkest moments,when the minutiae of life no longer seem important, when we are stripped of pride and pretense, when we are in the throes of a massive pity party, we face our one intense desire: to know our purpose and our worth...as we find answers to that deeply planted longing to know who we are and where we came from, we find perspective and purpose. We find ourselves.
Let's be honest. It can be easy as a wife and mother to sometimes forget who we really are in the monotony of making beds, changing diapers, trying to get a shower in, and trying to find your toothbrush in the bottom of the drawer. "Oh wait, did I get my deodorant on today? My bra?"

But Michelle points us in the right direction. She shows us the power of choice. She shows us what our Heavenly Father see's in us, and she uses incredible analogies to do it.

I'm most certain that Michelle and I could be the Best of Cyber Friends. She is wonderful and a breath of fresh air. I enjoyed her writing so much...I wish I could take her to lunch and pick her brain some more. She even lives in Washington State where I served as a missionary!

Michelle's Blog    Michelle's g+   Michelle's Facebook Page

Purchase your copy HERE AT DESERET BOOK

I can't wait to see what she writes next.


Enter to win this great book on my Facebook Page!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the great review! You know, I have a lot of friends, but not a best Cyber friend. I think you just took the spot!! :)
