February 21, 2014

In Tune by Gerald N. Lund & Giveaway

For any parent raising a budding musician, the word's "In Tune" are probably used very frequently. 

I know at my house they are.

When the kids are out of tune, everybody in the house knows it. And it can be pretty uncomfortable.

I thought about this analogy as I was reading Gerald N. Lund's new book In Tune.

Scott practicing with Dylan & Kate.

This new book focuses on the Role that the Spirit plays in Teaching and Learning.

As someone who has spent countless hours in church meetings being taught gospel principles, I can appreciate a teacher who follows the spirits direction when presenting a message. I also know that when I am doing my part to be a willing participant and learning by the spirit, I am able to be taught the things that the Lord would have me know. It definitely takes two willing participants for the spirit to convey the messages that the Lord would have us hear.

Lund is an experienced author has written another wonderful book. I found this book to be organized perfectly. It really helps you gain an idea of what the Lord expects of us when we are teaching and how the Holy Ghost functions in teaching the message.

I strongly recommend this book. I think this book is a wonderful resource for everyone. I feel that many of the lessons will actually help me be a better parent. And teaching my children is my most important responsibility.

From the Book Jacket:
In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are all teachers. Not only do we have a glorious mandate to "teach all nations" the gospel (Matthew 28:19), we also have numerous charges to "teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom" (D&C 88:77). In formal and informal settings, as parents or leaders or friends, we are constantly teaching and learning.
"The Lord has given the responsibility to save His children to teachers," writes Elder Lund. "The charge is clear. It is specific. It is inspiring. And, gratefully, the Lord blesses us greatly when we strive to carry out His will."

Elder Gerald N. Lund received his B.A. and M.S. degrees in sociology from Brigham Young University. He also did extensive graduate work in New Testament studies at Pepperdine University in Los Angeles, California, and studies Hebrew at the University of Judaism in Hollywood, California.

During his thirty-five years in the Church Educational System, the author served as a seminary teacher, an institute teacher and director, a curriculum writer, director of college curriculum, and zone administrator. His Church callings have included serving as stake president, bishop, and teacher. Elder Lund served as a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy from 2002 to 2008.

Elder Lund is a prolific author; his novels include the Work and the Glory series, the Kingdom and the Crown trilogy, Fire of the Covenant, and The Undaunted. He has also written several books on gospel topics, including Hearing the Voice of the Lord and Divine Signatures.

Purchase at Deseret Book / Amazon
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