October 24, 2011

Week 7 Report and Weigh-in

Week 7 Report and Weigh-in

Great week. I'm having a hard time saying NO to all the holiday treats that are coming my way, so today I am committing to no sugar unless it is my day off. I get one of those a week. So GOODBYE Halloween candy and SUGAR cookies!!!

Monday Oct. 17
Upper body weights Shoulders and Tri's & HITT

Tuesday Oct. 18
Ab Ripper at home

Wednesday Oct.19
Lower body Weights

Thursday Oct. 20

Friday Oct. 21
Upper body Weights Back and Bi's

Saturday Oct. 22
Lower Body Weights and Plyo
Weigh-in Report 

Starting Weight: 168lbs
Last Week Weight: 159 lbs
Current Weight: 157.8 lbs
This Week's Weight Loss: -1.2 lbs

Changes I've noticed.   

Physical: My clothes are starting to fit a little looser. Nice Perk!!! Friday night during our crazy Halloween scavenger hunt I was running and my pants fell off. That was a little embarrassing. BUT the KEYWORD was I was RUNNING!!! I felt fast too.  I was sprinting as fast as I could and I felt so good and ALIVE. My piriformis was not liking me too much on Saturday. Poor sciatic nerve. But I feel better this morning so WAHOO!!!!!

Mental: I've been justifying my eating a little bit so it is time to focus on that again. My workouts are going SO GREAT, no I just need to get my eating back on track and I know the results will come quicker!

Spiritual: I'm falling behind on my Book Of Mormon reading and it is stressing me out. I am trying to catch back up. I had three really great experiences  on The Sabbath and I love that.


  1. Way to go Erin! You are inspiring. I love your blog. I was impressed with your backhandspring goal, so I am going to copy you and make a goal to lose a few(like 20 lbs) and get in better shape so that I can do a backhandspring too. Thanks for the motivation!

  2. You are doing awesome! It's so great that you're documenting all of this and that you're moving forward despite pain or set backs!

  3. Awesome work!!! Motivates me to get the workout dvd's back out! :)
