November 29, 2011

Deseret Book Lovers: Freebies, Discounts, Favorites & a NO STRINGS Giveaway!!!

Okay friends, this is HUGE.
{giveaway at the bottom, don't miss it}

Who doesn't love free reading material? Deseret Book is generously giving everybody 12 free eBOOKS with their holiday,
Deseret Book is giving away 12 Days Of Free eBooks. 
To Download the first book go {HERE}. 
Make sure to check the website everyday to get each new free eBOOK!!!!

Also, they are having a different promotion everyday and today you can get Free shipping and 25% off of one item at regular price.

Use code:  CYBERSHIP

PLUS if you purchase something today use the codeDAY1 for 25% off 

And if you need ideas for Christmas let me share a few of my favorites with you.


This First one is a CD of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. It Features David Archuleta. My Dad is obsessed with David Archuleta so this was my dad's Birthday Present this year.

Found {here}

And here is the LIVE DVD concert...

Found {here}


The Second item I love for Christmas this year is 17 Miracles. It is a movie based on Actual Events that transpired while the Willie handcart company made their journey to the Salt Lake Valley. It is excellent.

Found {here}



The Third item is this new book called Great American Documents for Latter-Day Saint Families. It is an amazing collection of American Documents combined with great Latter-Day Saint incites and history. My Friend over at Chocolate On My Cranium also posted about this book and there are amazing photo's and more information on it {HERE}.

It Covers:
  1. The Mayflower Compact (1620)
  2. A Model of Christian Charity (1630)
  3. Common Sense (1776)
  4. The Declaration of Independence (1776)
  5. The Constitution of the United States of America (1787)
  6. The Bill of Rights (1789)
  7. George Washington's Farewell Address (1796)
  8. Thomas Jefferson's Confidential Letter to Congress (1803)
  9. The Star-Spangled Banner (1814)
  10. The Monroe Doctrine (1823)
  11. Battle Hymn of the Republic (1861)
  12. The Emancipation Proclamation (1863)
  13. The Gettysburg Address (1863)
  14. Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address (1865)
  15. The Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution (1920)
  16. John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address (20 January 1961)
  17. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" Speech (28 August 1963)
  18. Ronald Reagan's Speech: "The Boys of Pointe du Hoc" (6 June 1984)

Found {here}


The fourth gift idea is this book titled How We Got The Book Of Mormon. It gives a detailed account of the history and events leading up to the printing of The Book Of Mormon and it's influence in the world. Check it out. 

Found {here}


And guess what?

We are having a GIVEAWAY!

The last gift recommendation I have is a new book by Emily Freeman called


Found {here}

Emily is the Bestselling author of 21 Days Closer To Christ

And here is the GREAT NEWS!!!


Just Leave me a comment and you will automatically be entered to win!!!


  1. I love reading your blog, I wish I could keep up on mine the way you do. You are so inspiring!! Love ya girl!

  2. Thanks for such a fun giveaway, and thanks for the heads up on the free e-books! :)

  3. You know I love a giveaway! Thanks for sharing about the ebooks too! Love free stuff!

  4. Awesome!! I'm checking out the ebook right now!

  5. Awesome :).

    Note: Follow you via The Monster Hop

  6. Love giveaways! and love you Erin!

  7. Erin, you are amazing! Loving your Christmas posts!

  8. It looks like a wonderful book. Don't you just love giving things away at Christmas?!

  9. I've been loving your blog lately! Job well done!
    {Thanks for the fun giveaway and all that AWESOME information!}

  10. Hi,
    New follower from the blog hop please come follow me back :)

    p.s hope this comment counts :)

  11. Love your blog. You inspire me. :)

  12. I've been loving the photos lately. Thanks for a giveaway!

  13. Love this. Miss you. And I hope I secretly hope I win! :) We don't have a Deseret Book here and I miss that store.

  14. Great ideas! Thank you. So I have not seen 17 Miracles yet (I know right!) A friend yesterday shared a thought of hers. As she watched the show, she and her family found only 6 miracles. It troubled her so she watched it again, only with the mindset that some miracles are probably less noticeable than the obvious "big" miracles. She counted 19 miracles or so. Such in life, we look for the BIG miracles...when really we have miracles right in front of us that happen daily. Such a good reminder of how we can let the "little" things get away from us without being grateful and thankful from where they came from. This is on my to-do list to watch this show ASAP! ;-)

  15. I think it wonderful that you are bringing such wonderful ideas to how to make Christ more the center. We will start tomorrow with children's books.

  16. I'm fairly new to your blog and already love it!

  17. Just found your blog. Looks like perfect timing! ;)

  18. Love giveaways- good blogging Erin! We started elf in the shelf this year too- its killing me to remember to hide it- not cool for moms! Google: 15 ways to hide the elf- there are some cute things to do! Love ya girl!

  19. ohh I want to win! By the Way I love this blog, I am also doing a 25 days of Christmas where we focus on the true meaning of Christmas!

  20. Fun! I never win but here's to trying;).

    I tried getting the ebook but it said it was 4$. What did I do wrong??
