November 30, 2011

Wednesday: Did You Know? Christmas Edition

1.    It snowed today! Look at my cute little rock covered in snow! I'm feeling so JOLLY, so MERRY, so full of HOT CHOCOLATE! It is the BEST time of YEAR. I am so excited to play in the snow, build a snowman, and lick the snow off of my car window. {Yes I really do that.}

2.   Today I went the extra mile, which I don't always have time to do, and sewed this little dress so that Kate can dress up like an Angel for our ward Christmas Program tomorrow night. If I wasn't lazy I would have measured, ironed the ribbon, and used matching thread instead of Yellow. The good things is that Kate doesn't care. She told me I was the best dress maker in the entire world. That is all that counts right?

3. Girls are more fun that boys sometimes. For instance, Kate gets to be an Angel tomorrow night, Dylan is suppose to be a cow. Um...ANY IDEAS?

4.   I've started my projects. 30 yards of fabric and here we go. I only have 2 weeks to get them finished because of my surgery, so I had better get busy. I like making gifts for my nieces and nephews. It is my little way of making sure they know how much I love them and that I am the COOL aunt. ;)

5.  Sawyer is getting really good and taking all the ornaments off of the tree and putting them back on. He needs a hair cut but I can't bring myself to do it.

6.  Scott loves Christmas time. He plays Christmas music, drinks cocoa, takes baths, sits by the fire, watches  all my Christmas movies, and snuggles with me. It is fun. 

7.  I am still undecided if I am going to send out Christmas cards this year. It might just be too much for me. I am however excited to GET Christmas cards. Wow, I sound stingy.

8.  I love Christmas movies. What are your favorites? PLEASE RESPOND!!!

9.  Our stockings are hung. However, our glass is not clean. HOW GROSS IS THAT???? Little hands are allover the place here people!

10.  I'm feeling better about surgery. I've been pretty bummed about it, but I am keeping myself busy and I have a ton to do, so it is in the back of my mind and I am feeling at peace. Wahoo.


Make sure to stop back by during December to see all the great ideas on ways to Put Christ Back Into Christmas!!!

What projects do you have brewing?
Have you seen snow yet?
Do you find little hand prints allover?
Do you have a list of favorite Christmas movies?
Um, a cow? Any ideas?


  1. Favorite Christmas movie hands down is White Christmas. My kids can all sing along with me. I also love to watch Elf and Home Alone and Charlie Brown's Christmas at this time of year, and then there are the classics- Miracle on 34th Street, It's a Wonderful Life, etc. I'm not much of a movie watcher, but I do love a good holiday show. The dress looks fantastic. And yes on the handprints. Everywhere.

  2. I love Christmas movies. White Christmas, It's A Wonderful Life, Christmas Vacation and Christmas Story are my favorites. I really like Elf and Family Stone too.

  3. Oh I love the little dress... If only I had a girl :) and favorite movies? White Christmas HANDS down. Rudolph? Charlie Brown? I love this time of year

  4. Found you through Blog hop Thursday and am now following, so glad to have discovered you :)

    LOVE Christmas movies. My 5 year old was obsessed with Rudolph last year...funny thing is we dont celebrate santa or play along at all...YEt my favorite movie is Miracle on 34th Street bawl like a baby every time:)

  5. I'm already following you. What a beautiful blog you have!!!

    Merry Christmas

  6. My favorite Christmas movie is "A Christmas Carol" starring George C. Scott. In my opinion this is the best rendering of the story and I watch it every year! I always feel of sense of renewal and uplift after watching it.

  7. I've only got one project-Christmas cards. I'm not crafty at all, but I can address and stamp envelopes.

    We've had a bit of snow,quite early for where I live.

    Little hand prints are all over my sliding glass door and my mirrored closet doors.

    Favorite Christmas Movies...hmm... I love White Christmas and The Muppet Christmas Carol. If you can find an edited copy of Love Actually that's also really sweet.

  8. Hi, Your new follower with GFC from bassgiraffes Thursday Hop. Hope you follow back! Cheryl

  9. I'm stopping by from the finding new friends hop. I already follow you by gfc, but now I'm also following on facebook and twitter. I'd love if you'd stop by my blog too.


  10. Elf!

    30 yards of fabric?! I must know what you are making! I might email you a fun easy pattern that I did for my kids last year. My desire this year was to sew mini-quad scripture covers, but I'm pretty sure I won't get to that. I love making gifts...I think it definately shows the LOVE if it is homemade! Good job!

    Fingerprints...and dog scratches and hair...and so much more! (help me!)

    Cow...can you use a white hoodie/sweatshirt and put black paper spots all over it? YES! EZ. Google solution to everything.
