January 19, 2009

No Parking Zone!

2 Reason's I should stop taking bubble bath's with Kate Bug....

#1. Tonight as I was laying sideways in the tub...trying to relax and floating my huge prego belly, Kate was behind me playing with Dylan's Hot Wheels cars. I wasn't paying attention to her really, although I do know she was driving the cars up and down my legs. In the back of my mind I heard her say time to park and then...wham! Yep, you guessed it...Hot Wheel's enema.

#2. A few weeks ago Kate decided to crawl into the bath with me and the first thing she said to me while staring intently at my nipple's was..."yours are big and mine are tiny." Thanks for that Kate. Then a few minutes later still staring at my chest she said to me "I like your big freckles".

(I am aware that I used the word nipple on my blog and I don't feel that great about it.)


  1. Big freckles...hahahaha! That is a great one. I used to love taking baths with Mya, but things like this started to happen and I stopped :)

  2. Oh, Erin! I laughed out loud at this one! I love that you had the nerve to 'blog' it too! Gotta love kids!

  3. That's funny you wrote about this because I just told Brandon about it yesterday!

    Only one more week of the big belly!

  4. Just wait until your baby is breastfeeding and the interesting things kids say about that! lol. I am excited for you to have your baby! I know what it's like to be on the last week count down and it is not fun! Do what I did and pull out the FRIENDS series. It kept me laughing and occupied. lol!

  5. Hey Erin, it's Ashley I can't believe you're prego again...congratulations. I haven't seen you in forever. You are one funny gal. Good luck with the new baby. Love you tons!!

  6. "Enema, Nipples"? It's all in a days work for me. Just add some "vagina, cervix, breasts, perineum, rectum, fetus"... that's table talk!

  7. glad to see you're blogging and making everyone laugh. i love the claw game story, way to represent the girls!

  8. On the blog not so bad....i said it in front of two missionaries when Cooper kept hitting me in the chest. Something to the effect of "stop hitting my nipples"...cuz he kept wacking them straight on!! A little embarrassing I have to say....
