January 23, 2009

What Tuesday will bring...

What Tuesday will bring...

~Cute naked infant
~Sweet smelling baby
~New little brother
~Tiny diapers
~Soft skin
~Tender cries
~Millions of Kisses
~Tearful husband
~Blessed Mother
~Wrinkly skin
~Feeding time
~10 Fingers and 10 Toes
~Love of a Mother
~Wonder and Awe
~Peace & Joy
~Sense of Purpose
~Eternal Family

I am so excited to finally meet you little one. Remember that special chat we had a few months ago in the temple? That was such a special night for me. I am so ready to start living up to the promises I made to you that night. I am so grateful that your Heavenly Father has trusted me to help prepare you for all the important roles you are to fill. You are coming to a family that loves you. You will have a Father to teach you, a mother to care for you, a brother to play with and a sister to cuddle you. I can't stop thinking about you. I will see you on Tuesday!


  1. GOOD LUCK on TUESDAY Erin. :) New little brother / son / grandson. How fantastic.

  2. Erin,
    That was so sweet. I got the chills when I read it! I can't wait to see him. He will be as beautiful as your others. Good luck!
    love ya, tiff

  3. I forgot to ask you which hospital you'll be at. I want to come see you there. If you'll be at Mt. View you can take your laptop and post same day pictures! They've got Wi-Fi.
    Email me and let me know where I'm going on Tuesday!
    Love you! Good luck!

  4. Oh man that is SO close! Just reading your first item makes me want to hold him. I miss babies...

    Good luck, what a day it will be!

  5. So sweet. Ya Sawyer we are excited to see you too.

  6. Have a wonderful day tomorrow! We are excited for you and your cute little family!

  7. Erin, good luck with the upcoming arrival of your sweet baby!

  8. I'll be thinking of you Tuesday Erin. All the best....I loved this post, it made me so excited to meet my little one too. Your a great Mom and your little Man is lucky to be born into such a great family.

  9. G-Luck sista! You are a such a sweet mom I loved this post. keep us updated tomorrow:)

  10. we can't wait to meet you little one--good luck erin!

  11. Hey Girlfriend!
    It's monday night and I waited too long to call and now it's too late! Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and I LOVE YOU! Can't wait to meet the new baby!

  12. Been thinking about you all day. I hope he is here and you are doing well!

  13. ooh! that's today! I'm so excited for you- hope everything is going well :) Congrats!

  14. What a lucky boy!! Congratulations!!!
