February 2, 2009

Sawyer's Space

It is so nice to have Sawyer home safe and sound in his crib. I've walked past this empty crib for months now waiting to see it being used. It feels so good to see him sleeping peacefully in his crib. We love you Sawyer. Welcome Home!





  1. So cute Erin! I love how tiny they look in that big crib for the first few months.

  2. ERIN,
    He is so stinkin sweet and I think he looks just like you. Adorable!!! Enjoy the first few months. As you know.. it goes by too fast!!!

  3. Ahhh...we are done being pregnant!!! There is nothing better than a sleeping newborn. Congrats. He is so cute. :)

  4. Don't tell me you made the bedding for the crib. If you did, it looks so cute. Love it. When I have a boy, I am counting on you to make the bedding for me.

  5. The fact that you have a room and crib all put together & cute means that if we're gonna hang out during church it will for sure have to be at your place! Lee sleeps on a blanket on the couch or on my chest. That's it, no crib up yet. I'm a slacker.

  6. congrats to you new little one! he is adorable for sure! can't believe how fast time goes by- my babe is 6 mos already!!
    enjoy him!

  7. CUTE, CUTE, CUTE! How's big brother and sister doing? I think that could possibly be the hardest part... I hope everyone is loving the new adorable addition. See you soon!!

  8. i can't stand how much I love that you named him Sawyer.
    CONGRATULATIONS, sweet friend.
    So happy for you.

  9. congrats! I can't wait for our little ones to meet! Miss you loads!

  10. SO SO SO Precious!!!

    I'm so happy for you guys and your new sweet little boy.

  11. What cute bedding! But even cuter is that sweet Sawyer! Man, I love that newborn stage, makes me want another one for a minute, then I hear Hadlie cry, nope I'm good. I leave in an hour for Costa Rica. I saw that you called, sorry I didnt get back with you. I love you and I'll call you when I get home!

  12. I love his name! He is so teeny! I hope you are recovering well! Everything looks so perfect! Enjoy that sweet baby! I'm jealous!I want one!

  13. Erin,
    Sawyer is so sweet. What a handsome little bubba! Good job Cous!

  14. What sweet pictures! I hope you are having a speedy recovery. Your baby is so precious. :)

  15. oh he's so cute and tiny. sad i missed you the other day. my mom said sawyer is adorable.

  16. erin, he is so beautiful and it is so darling to see him so tiny in his cute crib. and i LOVE your "what tuesday will bring post!" sooo cute! and died laughing at your tub stories, oh my gosh sooo funny! i have a tub story of my own, but i'll have to share it in private :)haha
    kiss that sweet baby for me!
