March 6, 2009

Shades of Blue

Well Sawyer is now 5 weeks old and 13 lbs. He is doing great. Things around our home have changed, but also feel the same. I am surrounded by blue and diapers and spit-up, but couldn't be happier or more blessed. My time is quite limited now as I forgot how much of it would be eaten up taking care of the baby boy. But I love him and he is so kind to his mother.

So I might not be blogging much in the near future. I think for now I will just spend every second loving this little guy, he is growing so quickly that I am scared he won't be a baby for long!


  1. 13 pounds!? That's awesome! You're awesome! Please call me as soon as you're all better and I'll come hang with you!
    Love ya!

  2. SOunds like he is eating good. He is so precious. Love the pictures.

  3. I think you've got your priorities straight girl. Baby first, blogging last on the list. Glad to hear you are enjoying that cute, chubby little boy! He is beautiful. I am trying to stay sane these last few weeks of pregnancy. What do you think of the name Hannah or Seth? I need help, those are the only ones Brian and I can agree on.

  4. he is darling but excuse me, you have to keep blogging so we can keep on seeing pictures of him!

  5. Erin! Sawyer is just so adorable! Look at that outfit, so cute! I want to hold him!

  6. I lovd all the blue! Will you email me his full name and your address?

  7. So good to hear from you...and to see him.

    Mommy first.

    Love it.

  8. Holy Chunkiness! It's been forever since I checked your blog! He is simply adorable. Congrats.

  9. Holy cats, he's adorable!! Those cheeks are delicious.

  10. He is such a cutie! Will you tell Dylan and Kate bug I say hello? They're the cutest! I wish you could have come to DC and played with the rest of us. If it makes you feel any better, we almost died of the cold one night. Or at least I felt like we would! Ha! I'll tell Dustin you say hello, but I'm not sure if I should pinch him, because he might retaliate and give me pay back. Which is never a good thing considering he's stronger than me. Don't tell him that though, it'll go to his head...(push-up, sit-up, pull-up champion)...oooohh Dustin. How is Idaho? I told hermana you said hi, and told her you are a fellow sister missionary. She loved that! Instant connection.

  11. are you holding up? He is SO CUTE! I hope you are getting lots of sleep. I love chubby babies. Mine has got some serious cheeks as well. :)
