March 18, 2009

My Man Turned 30!!!

We had fun eating steaks as a family at TGIF. Scott loves the Jack Daniel's sauce and well...I do too. It was our first dining out as a Party of Five and we had so much fun. The kids were well behaved and little one just chilled. I did drop a cucumber on him when I was eating my salad but...whatever...I've only got two hands. Scott turned 30 and now I'm not the only 30+ year old in the house. (Sometimes it stinks to be the old hag.)

Let's be honest, if you think the cheeks on my face are chubby, you should see the cheeks on my backside. It is sad...but I am busting my butt and hopefully before long will look like a sexy 20 year old again. At least with this visual you will be able to appreciate all the hard work I'm having to do when you see me skinny again. Pray for me!!! (Look how cute my chubby baby is!)

And here is a little video of my husband dunking a basketball. 30 years old and still got it! That a boy!


  1. Happy Birthday to Scott! How fun to have your first full family of 5 outing!

    I had no idea you were 30- I would have guessed like 27-28. You look fantastic, your baby has such cute cheeks, I wanna smooch them.

  2. girl if you could look like you now (and remember, i have no children) i'd be all over it! you're hot. and definitely not a hag. :) happy bday to your man!

  3. whoops - that should say 'if I could look like YOU' ;P

  4. a.) you're one of those obnoxiously beautiful women that will always be beautiful...really. (okay, it's not THAT obnoxious)
    b.) You. Can. Do. It

  5. Erin, Your baby is SOOO Cute!!! What a darling little boy - I bet you are having so much fun!

    I ran outside on the greenbelt for the first time this week. It was HEAVEN!!! What a great asset to the city. When you are ready to walk, jog, or run let me know - I'm always up for a partner! I even have a double and single running stroller and neither are being used right now! :-)

  6. Love the pictures! Sawyer is just so cute and squishy! I love him! And by the way, i know you don't feel it, post baby and all, but I think that picture of you is very pretty, and the kids look cute too.

  7. Aren't you just gosh-darn adorable!

    (Oh, and happy birthday, Scott!)

    If it makes you feel better, I'm the 'more mature' in my marriage, too. LOL. Hubs just turned 30 a couple of weeks ago, too. FUNNY.

  8. Babies LOVE cucumbers. No biggie! Your blog makes me laugh Erin, keep up the great work!

  9. You are so beautiful Your family is so cute.

  10. You are gorgeous inside and out(lucky girl!). Never forget that. As for your baby, he is adorable!!! You have such a cute family. I love the dunk!! Enjoy that little one. Mine isn't so little anymore, and I miss him being tiny. :-(

  11. You are too funny! You look just had a baby! I had chubby cheeks for a yr!

  12. Erin! I need a new blog update from you! I check yours all the time to see if you've posted any Easter pics of the kids. You went to Orem? Was it so fun? Your parents are seriously the greatest!

  13. Dude, white men can jump. When Dylan and Sawyer get older they can protect Eden with their Peterson bulk and brawn.

  14. Sawyer is SO DANG CUTE! Holy smokes what a babe. Speaking of babes- You are the most gorgeous person ever! I told John Eden could take on some of the Robert genes if she looked like you:) Ok so you're all pretty good looking but I did say it:)

  15. Happy Birthday to Scott!! Great blog.

  16. Nothing beats the jack daniels sauce...although, their honey mustard isn't bad either. Happy Birthday to your man, your kiddos are darling, and you are beautiful with and without "cheeks."
