February 8, 2010

Baby Blanket...Poor Pink Blankie

Does this thing look familiar to anyone?

Are you gagging a little just looking at it?

Well my baby blanket now officially lies in the depths of the Bingham County dump. 

Blanket, you were so good to me. I loved you. But I can no longer look at you. You gross me out. I've kept you by my pillow for twenty something years.
 (Replacement after original yellow blanket that my mom threw out.)

I have out grown you.
 I have three of my own little blankie loving kiddo's to snuggle, keep me warm, and comfort me.

Rest in Peace.

Anyone else out there still hanging onto their baby blanket?


  1. I love you for posting this!! I might have the strength to pull my baby blanket out from under my pillow tonight and throw it away! 30 years baby!

  2. that is so sad! i'm glad you got a good picture of it........that's going to be boston in 20 years! i think i remember the yellow blankie. well, i'm proud of you for giving it up--not so sure if i could have!

  3. Abby still has her THREE!!!! Three blankets and she's six. Cassidy still has hers too and she's 11. Wish me luck.

  4. OH, sad...never thought I'd see the day...
