February 6, 2010

Hairdo Saturday!!!

Judge me if you must, but today I colored Kate's hair. I mean $10,000.00 for hair school...I've got to use my talent sometime, right?

Well, Kate's hair was getting a little blah, so we weaved her and now...

She has a few more highlights. Just like her mom (and dad) she loves being a blonde!

She got pretty sassy afterwards and started posing. This girl has attitude!


  1. I think she looks so cute. If I had your talents I would have done the same thing. :)

  2. Look at that Sassy girl!

    So cute.

  3. will you do my hair next time you're in town?!

  4. haha! Remember how Terry used to perm Dustin's hair? Amazing! Kate is so cute. PS- your blog header is adorable!

  5. OMG!!!! I LOVE HER. She is a model. I dont like that she is taking my spot at hairdo Saturday but i'll live!

  6. okay she is so cute! she kind of reminds me of when I was little.. Sassy and too much hair to know what to do with. I can't wait to meet her
