February 4, 2010

January 12 of 12...

Alright, it isn't fancy, but for a first timer I'm learning. Here is my January 12 of 12. You are suppose to take 12 pictures on the 12th day of the month. I just caught on to this idea, so here are 12 pictures from January.

I didn't have much to choose from, and I am realizing that I don't have much of an artistic eye for photography. So, I shall start practicing.
If you are interested you can get the template here curtousy of AMY. Also, make sure to scroll down and check out her 12of12, she is awesome. Her pictures are all so beautiful.

I made this in Photoshop Elements 8, using Amy's template.  Let me know if you give it a try!!!


  1. What do you think of elements? I just ordered it...

  2. you are way too talented. your kids are way too cute. and i am so way glad you are blogging more!

  3. What a cute idea! It is fun to see little glimpses into your daily life. And that good looking husband of yours plays the violin?! You snagged a good one. Counting down the days until April 23rd!
