July 22, 2011

The Pirate Place

On the Saturday before Father's Day we went to lunch with Nana & Papa and the Pirate Place in Orem, UT. I don't really know the name of it, but it has pirates and such.

Wyatt is getting so big. He stayed in his car seat the entire time. 
Such a good baby.

 Sawyer and my dad have a special little bond. They have so much fun together.
My dad is really good at playing silly games and Sawyer eats it up.
I could watch them together all day. Sawyer won't leave his side.

 The food was pretty good. Here is our group.
I'm not sure why I ever order kids meals. My kids never eat.
And then two seconds after we get in the car they are all 

 Scott and Dylan have one of the games figured out there. They got over 2000 tickets and Kate was able to pick whatever she wanted. The Stuffed Dog was the choice.

My dad has this game where he tried to get Sawyer to look side to side with his eyes really fast. 
It is the cutest thing I have ever seen.
Here is a picture that I caught of Sawyer trying to do it.

1 comment:

  1. i love your posts! yea! give me the details on the pirate island game where you get all the tickets! we have a groupon and i need to use it this coming week. my kids will love it! my kids still talk about your kids, they want you to move here. so will you get movin?! cute pics and cute kids as always:)
