July 26, 2011

Pre-Grandma Camp 2011: Centralia, Washington

Last month I was given the gift of a lifetime. 
My Mother-in-law Shawna took my kids for an entire week.
She drove to Blackfoot and picked us up and drove me and the 4 little monsters all the way back to her home in Washington. I spent one day with her at her house and then she kicked me out and sent me packing to my best friend and sister-in-law Amber's house. She kept Dylan, Kate and Sawyer, and Amber's girls, Samantha, Amy and Hallie, and Amber and I had the whole week to spend shopping, playing, eating out, watching movies and playing with the babies.

It was Heaven.

I'm not sure if she will be up for it again. My kids are a little naughty.

I'm hoping it is like child-birth and by the time next year rolls around she will have forgotten that Dylan and Kate fight like Cats and Dogs, and she will want to do it again.

It was AMAZING for me and such a needed break.

We fed the ducks.

We taught Saywer how to jump on the tramp.

It was so kind of her. She is amazing and I am so lucky to have a 2nd Mother like her that loves my kids so much. She raised great kids of her own and I enjoy watching her teach my kids such important life skills.

Shawna you Rock.

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