November 18, 2011

Dying To See This Movie...

I love watching movies. It is a weakness really. I live for them. I heart them. They are and have been a HUGE part of my life. Scott likes watching movies too. Last night, after the kids were all asleep we popped in a new rental.

Within 10 seconds of the movie, Scott & I both looked at each other and said at the same time, "What is this rated?"

I thought that the movie had a certain rating. I didn't even check it this time. My {little pea brain} just assumed.

I ALWAYS check.
But I DIDN'T check this time.

And sure enough, within seconds of the movie starting it was filled with trashy innuendo's and strong language.

When Scott & I were first married, we made the decision together to keep smut and filth out of our minds and out of our home. There have been times when I have been a little tempted to see some movies {remember how much I love movies?} but we stick to this rule. And we have been so blessed because of it.

Our Rule is:


But there are also a LOT of PG-13 movies that we won't watch either. 

I really believe that our marriage has been blessed because of this. It makes it much easier to respect each other, use clean language, keep our marriage vows, avoid violence, stay away from pornography, and teach our children to Follow The Teachings Of Jesus Christ and Keep The Commandments.

I know that some people think that it is impossible to NOT watch Rated R movies, but I assure you IT IS NOT.

So I'll ask you, when was the last time you considered the movies that you watch, or the television? Are you aware of what it contains? Are you immune to its filth or are you able to immediately  recognize it?

I think that everyone has to decide their own standards for themselves, for their marriage and for their family.

But I challenge you to eliminate some of the filth. Whether is is music, magazines, movies or TV...I know that you will really NOTICE a difference, and I PROMISE you that your family relationships and spirituality will benefit because of it. It is much easier to follow the Lord's will when our minds are clean and pure.

How do you decide what movies you will watch?
Do you have rules in your home?
Do you notice a difference in how you feel when you watch smutty things?
Are you willing to set a higher standard?

I'd love to hear from you!


  1. My husband and I have the same rule as well... no Rated R movies... ever. It's kind of frustrating sometimes because he and I love movies and most of the movies right now are rated R. But we stick to our convictions and you're right, our marriage is healthier :) I'm glad I stopped by here, following you now through GFC from Blog Hops Everyday. Hope you can stop by my new blog and follow me back :)

    MiaB from

  2. Following you from the Lots of Lovin' Weekend Blog Hop, I hope you will stop by Swanky Baby too!

    Swanky Baby

  3. Hi!! Following from the Lots of Lovin' blog hop!
    I agree with you, especially when you have young children in the house. We watch a lot of family/kids movies, we actually love them. I am a huge movie buff too, there is something about it that I adore, and everything that goes with it ie: Hollywood :)
    Have a great weekend!
    P.S. Your kiddos are gorgeous!

  4. It's definitely worthwhile to steer clear of the R rating. It's a rule we also have in our home, and I agree, even some PG-13s we avoid too! Your blog is adorable.

  5. I am so excited to stumble onto your blog from the blog hop! Your family is TOO cute. I am a new follower

  6. What a nice idea. Glad I found you on the blog hop, I look forward to following your blog.
