November 17, 2011

New York Cousins: Wyatt & Eden

Wyatt & Eden
Eden was so into Wyatt. From the time we got there she was feeding him, dressing him and loving on him. She was pretty awesome at finding his things too.

"Eden, where is Wyatt's pacifier?"
"Eden, have you seen Wyatt's bib?"
"Eden, can you find my brains?"

The whole trip was a whirlwind. That is what happens when you take a Red Eye and don't get any sleep.

I am working on a NYC recap, but currently I'm trying to clean my house from top to bottom.

Fact: Scott found a dead mouse in my living room today. And when I got home from the gym this morning, Scott had it waiting for me. {Serious spousal abuse, eh?}


How does that even happen?
I repeat...
How does that even happen?


So now I am ferociously scrubbing everything I own.


Did you puke yet?
Did you unlike me and not want to be my friend anymore?
Have you ever had a mouse?
Should I feel as ashamed as I feel?
Did you puke yet?


  1. Aw, such a cute picture!!

    A dead mouse?! Well, at least it was dead.

  2. What a sweet picture! I'm a new follower from the Friday hop. Hope you will stop by and say hi!

    Trisha @ Momma T and Baby E

  3. You should not be ashamed of a mouse in your house. They can squeeze through opening the size of a dime! When I was a missionary we had an infestation and caught nine in one evening. My companion stood on the chair and screamed. She was so funny. I set and emptied the traps. Very good training for having my four boys, who brought all kinds of critters, alive and dead, in to show me. When we lived in VA occasionally I'd find a live baby snake in the house. Never figured out how they got there.
    Darling picture of the cousins! Glad you had fun in NYC.

  4. I'm following from the Finding New Friends blog hop! I'm following through Google Friend Connect, Facebook, Twitter, and Networked Blogs, as applicable! A follow back would be very much appreciated!

    Also, I have a giveaway that may interest you for a free 1-year subscription to Bon Appetit magazine. Don't hesitate to stop by and enter:

    I hope you have a great weekend!

    Much Love,
    Courtney P.

  5. what cuties! ugggg a dead mouse....i would be cleaning just like you! I'm your newest follower from the blog hop i'd love if you followed back!


  6. You were given The Versatile Blogger award! Check out the below link to find out more!

  7. We had a mouse once, and I moved to a hotel until it was caught. All my friends laughed at me, but eewww!

    Stopping by from the Friday blog hop.

  8. Cute blog! I'm your newest follower from the blog hop and would love a follow back!

  9. They are so cute:) New Follower from the blog hop

  10. Haha YES I did, and blogged about it too haha, here >>>
    I was horrified. I ended up using snap traps (worked) humane traps (worked) and poison boxes (not sure if it worked, but they all left). Yay! Good luck :-)
    Visiting from the friday blog hop.

  11. HI new follower here from Friday blog hop.
    We had mice about 3 years ago and I thought I was going to go nuts - I was so scared and my husband was out of town. OMG not good. But it's over now and that was then!!!

    HOpe you'll FB

  12. oh my goodness, I'm so happy to have found your sweet blog via the weekend hop! I'm a new follower and would love if you came over and followed me back at

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Hi! I'm a new follower from the Lots of Lovin Hop. I'd love for you to stop my blog and follow back if you like. have a gorgeous family!!!

    Katie @ Glamorous without the Guilt

  14. What a cute blog - love all the adorable pictures...I had a mouse or two under the kitchen we have mouse traps - eek!!

    Following you from the weekend blog hop - hope you will follow back :)

  15. Been there done that. Had a whole family of them.

    It's crazy and I had my very first panic attack. Had them at work too. I got over my eww and fear with a quickness. I can catch, kill, set traps and dispose of them like a pro now.

  16. Your kids are so cute, and I just love their names! I'm your latest follower from the blog hop. I'll hope you'll come check out my blog and follow me back!
