February 8, 2012

Computer Overload!

I don't know what is going on but I am in a Social Media and Blogging FUNK.

Kind of burnt out a bit. All of a sudden I feel no desire to sit down and look at my screen and since this NEVER happens, I am just going to roll with it. (It could NOT have anything to do with a messy desk, I'm sure of it.)

I've been going to the gym, watching what I eat, playing with the kids, reading good books, totally caught up on laundry, vacuuming everyday, drinking tons of water, reading to the kids, cooking dinner and watching a few movies.

Anyway, I hope all my friends are doing great out there!!!

Fill me in on what's the latest.

Any favorite blog posts this week that I need to check out.

Leave me a comment with the link!

Love to you ALL!!!


  1. I've been going through the same thing even though it may not appear that way because of all my posts. But I have had little motivation to do things these days. I'm glad you are taking a break. Sometimes it is necessary. And I am jealous you are reading good books.

    1. Your participants are amazing so far. I can't wait to read them all!!!

  2. I've been feeling the same way and have been surprised by it too, but I'm going with it.

    1. Jill, I hope you are hanging in there!!! Any awesome new books to add to my list. I'm all of a sudden in a reading mode!

  3. Erin: I have been very burnt out lately too. My blog is suffering, but my kids, marriage and I are kicking, alive and well! Sometimes a ball has to drop in our crazy motherhoods! I look forward to reading back on your blog and getting to know you!

    I'm ERIN too!
    EJ, www.thesearemyreasons.blogspot.com
