February 9, 2012

Laughed So Hard I Cried!

My dear cousin Ellery shared this image via Instagram and I almost died of a laugh-attack. Seriously it was so funny.

Her caption read...

 "Dear Gwen, love your new Target line, but do not tell me you don't know what is wrong with these shirts..."

Anybody out there see what we see?

(I don't want to ruin it for you so click on comments to read the funny responses that she got...)


  1. "Dear Gwen, I'm pretty sure hands don't have nipples. Just in case you weren't really sure"

    "Dear Gwen, this mermaids sea shells do not cover her very long saggy boobies."

  2. Replies
    1. I'm not going to be able to stop laughing the first time I see a little girl sporting this shirt! ;)

  3. Hahaha! I thought the same thing!

  4. Hahaha, that is awesome. My co-workers and I got a kick out of this.

  5. so funny! What was she thinking? I bought the cutest coat for Gwen. Def. no nipples on it!

  6. Following you from the sakura haruka hop. I'm from Simple Abundance. Love your blog and I was astonished to see harajuku lovers for little kids in target last time I went. If only I had a little person. :)

