February 21, 2012

Goodbye Pajamas, We Are Back

Guess what? We are all feeling better. And feeling better is an amazing thing. I'm not miserable anymore. I'm not grumpy and achy and sick. I still can't hear but I'm going to shower and get dressed and accomplish something.

The first thing that I did today was write a guest post for {this lady}. If you want to read about my first fight with Scott and how he totally won...and how this sort of set up precedent for our Marriage...make sure to visit A Handful Of Peanuts. The Peanuts have been featuring different Love Story's all month. I've found some pretty great bloggers reading through her posts. Head on over there.

And just to brag about my awesome rocking dad, Here is a photo that my mom sent me of him playing with a Band at a club on Valentine's Day. How cute is he all dolled up holding that big bass guitar.

I love you Dad!!!


  1. Glad to hear your family is feeling better. I hate being sick, I think I become the whiniest person alive when I feel ill. Your guest post was a fun read.

  2. So glad you are feeling better. I know what you mean about sickness! My four are their own little pot of germs. When mom gets it to, it's just no good! Alas, the world belongs to mothers, and you pushed through it. Yea!

    Thanks for visiting my blog awhile back. I'm a new follower to yours (finally!)

    EJ, www.thesearemyreasons.blogspot.com

  3. So happy that your cute little family is feeling better! I just discovered your blog via A handful of Peanuts...so glad I did! I just read your little guys birth story and am all choked up! you did such a great job recording it! :)

  4. great guest post girl, and so happy to hear everyone is feeling better!!
    xo TJ
