February 24, 2012

It's Great To Be 8

Next week is a big week for our family. Dylan is going to be baptized and I am getting so excited. I really want to make it special for him.  He is such a great kid and has such a strong desire to do what is right and to follow Heavenly Father's Commandments.

I can't tell you how many times in the past week he has told me that he is praying for me to feel better. He is really good about praying. I don't think that he and I have missed one morning this year that we haven't prayed together. Well except the one's that I was still in bed and Scott got the kids out the door. I fail as a mother quite a bit, but those morning prayer's go a long way.

Dylan, I sure love You!!!

I made these images to frame side by side for his bedroom.



  1. What an exciting time! My oldest turns 8 in December and I get all teary every time I think about her upcoming baptism. Those prints you made are super cute!

  2. It tured out PERFECT!! He is going to LOVE it!! Way to go Erin!!

  3. It is so much fun when they get baptized! My oldest was baptized last July and it was such a wonderful day. I hope it goes perfectly for you and Dylan. =Diedre Gray

  4. Getting teary eyed over here! What a good handsome boy you have!

  5. so so cute! the prints and dylan! how exciting and how amazing that you have a kid old enough to get baptized! congrats dylan, we are so proud of you!

  6. Lovely!
    He is such a cute boy!
    And these look great! Good Job, Mommy!!

  7. you're blog looks so cute. you're kids are adorable.

  8. What great images to frame. Sounds like you've got such a sweet boy!

  9. I've never seen invitations to a baptism before but what a great idea since I am always having to call a million times to figure out what church its at, what time it starts, etc. So practical AND cute! I LOVE it! I foudn your blog through a Handful of Peanuts and I am so glad I did!

    new follower :)

  10. I have a Dylan too who will be patized in a few months...Do you have any ideas that you did to share? I'm trying to find ideas to make it really special! Also do you have file that you made? I would love to frame it and it matches his room perfect! Thanks so much!


  11. Are you willing to share your file for the baptism images in this post? I love them! Thanks
    Carmen Lowry
