June 6, 2012

How To Soften Butter Fast

*I posted this image on Instagram and have already had several phone calls asking me how I do it. So here are the super-dee-duper easy instructions.
  • Put hard butter into mixer.
  • Beat for a few seconds. Stop.
  • Blow hot air from hair dryer onto butter for 5-10 seconds. Make sure to move it around as you do it. you will see that the very thin top layer of the butter will start to melt.
  • Beat again to check for consistency. 
  • Repeat steps carefully 1 or two more times.
  • It doesn't take much so go easy.
And that is how you get soft butter on the fly. (Without melting the heck out of it in the Microwave!)



Jaime said...

I'm totally going to do this! Thanks, babe!

Cathy said...

Awesome! One of those times when I say to myself, "Why didn't I think of that?".

The Farm-Marm said...

oh my heck. I could have used this 30 minutes ago when I nuked my butter to oblivion! LOL I love your blog! =)

Kristen said...

It also works really well to grate it first with the cheese grater

Kristen said...

It also works really well to grate it first with the cheese grater