Don't you love it when you are able to make special memories with your family that lead you closer to Christ during the Christmas Holiday. Over the past several years I have incorporated a few new holiday traditions that have helped my family focus on the true reason for the season. I love to share new ideas when I come across them and I have one for you today.
This new book Celebrating A Christ-Centered Christmas by Emily Belle Freeman is a wonderful tool to help you utilize Christmas Decorations that you most likely already have, and turn them into a sacred teaching opportunity for your children.
I love collecting Nativity sets and talking to my children about the special significance of each figure. In Emily's book she takes it a step further and quite effectively explains the symbolism in each figure of the Nativity. She also uses stories, Scriptures and songs to deepen the Christmas spirit and help you create 7 small devotionals you can deliver to your family over the holiday season.
In her book Emily shares with her readers something that her daughter said to her on a car-ride one day from the back seat..."Mom, I believe in Santa Claus and you believe in Jesus Christ."
Like Emily, if I heard this come out of my child's mouth I would feel quite shocked. But I think that this feeling would be quite common among our children if we were to take a poll. It's hard not to focus on Santa, presents, and "magic" in our society today. Even I find myself getting lost in the twinkle, shimmer and shine of the season. But it isn't hard to curb that Santa appeal and even make the season more incredible as we slow down and focus our thoughts, activities and Family Home Evenings on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I echo the words of Lynn G. Robbins from our most recent General Conference , "Which Way Do You Face?" Have you already lost yourself in your Christmas lists, or are you turning towards the Savior this holiday season?
The GOOD NEWS is that it isn't too late. We can always turn our focus to the Savior and this new book is a great recourse to help you get back on track and do it! Make this your most meaningful Christmas ever!
This book is available for $10.99 at Deseret Book and would make a great gift.
Visit the Blog Tour for this book >>>HERE
EMILY BELLE FREEMAN is a coach’s wife, a mother to four children and a few others who have found refuge in her home, author of several bestselling books, and sought-after inspirational speaker. Her days are spent watching over teenagers, her flock of pampered chickens, and a rabbit that she adores. She finds great joy in studying the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Her deep love of the scriptures comes from a desire to find their application in everyday life. For a few minutes every day Emily forgets about the laundry, leaves the dishes in the sink, and writes. She coauthors a blog that is a stopping place for hearts seeking all that is good: www.