March 10, 2008

1. Jensen Grove 2008

Finally we had a nice enough day that we could get outside together and walk and play. The weather was beautiful and we were able to scratch that spring itch! We love playing at Jensen Grove.

Dylan saying "Mom, I'm not wearing this Hat!"

Kate Bug taking a stroll, SOLO.

Say Cheese!

They love pitching rocks, Nice throw Kate!

"Mom, come and get me!"

Kate was fascinated with her shadow

More shadow gazing

Family shadow shot

"Mom, I love Mud!" Lovely Dylan.

Notice Kate's Outfit. She is at that age where she is dressing herself. Pink everything, always a dress and never practical shoes.

Hard to believe that this calm, cute little guy was quoted this morning saying, "Mom, you are just a really MEAN WOMAN!" Ya, well someone's gotta be.


Brandon and Amber said...

I like Dylan's hair!

Apparently the mean woman must be contagious because ever since Grandma has been at our house, Samantha thinks that I'm a mean mom.

Looks like you guys had fun today!

Jaime said...

Mean women make the best moms just remember that! Sounds like you had a fun day outside. We did too, but with no coats! ha ha just kidding! Let's hope the weather holds, right?

Terry said...

Love these photos and comments! Just tell Dylan that you learned from the best mean woman...ME! Love you,


Karen Liu said...

Such beautiful children! BTW, glad you found my sister Di in NYC! Karen Liu

Yeehaw said...

So next time you head to Jensen's: Call me! The kids would love it!